DOC’S STEW: The healthiest version of my food for dogs & cats

The Whole Pet Diet Chicken Stew
aka Doc’s Stew(r) – My Newest and healthiest updated recipe from my book

Special note: use organic ingredients whenever possible

5 pounds Whole Chicken or Turkey (bones, organs, skin and all) Beef is fine too!
6 – 8 cups spring water – (just enough to cover the meat. let the veggies steam, so don’t add too much)
1/2 pound of additional beef liver, or chicken liver or turkey liver (your choice)
1/2 pound of wild salmon
2 cloves chopped fresh garlic
1/2 pound green peas
1 pound coarsely chopped carrots
1 pound coarsely chopped zucchini
1 pound coarsely chopped yellow squash
1/2 pound of coarsely chopped green beans
1 pound coarsely chopped celery
1/4 teaspoon kelp powder Dash of dried rosemary
See Chef’s Tip on Freshly Grated Toppings

For Dogs: Add 12 oz. of Rolled Oats and adjust the water content to a total of 10 – 12 cups or enough to just “cover” the ingredients.

(I don’t recommend the grains portions for cats)

Combine all ingredients in a 10-quart stock pot (stainless steel, please). Bring to boil, reduce to low, and simmer for about 1 1/2 hours. Once finished (your carrots are soft), let cool and de-bone the chicken by hand. With an electric hand mixer (I use one available from Sears for about $19) or a food processor, blend all the ingredients into a nice puree. Using plastic yogurt containers, or Tupperware, make up “meal-sized” portions or what you will need for three days, and freeze what you don’t need immediately. Be sure and seek your pet’s advice for ideal meal sizes. Also, never serve cooked chicken bones to a pet; they splinter easily.

Yields: 20 cups for cats and 26 cups for dogs

Dog Eating Dinner

Cat Feeding Directions: Average adult cat will eat roughly 1 cup a day; more or less depending on age, activity, level, current health, and season.

Time saving tip: You may purchase a few bags of frozen, diced vegetables at the health food store to save time in the preparation process. Fresh vegetables contain more nutrients, but in a time crunch, you can fall back on frozen when necessary.

Dog Feeding Directions: Daily, split the following recommendations into at least two meals.

10 pound dog: 1 – 1 1/2 cup
20 pound dog: 2 – 3 cups
40 pound dog: 4 cups

For each additional 20 pounds, add 2 cups. Remember, all pets are individuals and you will need to let your senses guide you. Amounts will vary depending on age, activity level, current health, weight and season.

Cat Tip: Cats should be allowed to eat for 1/2 hour, twice daily; remove and clean up all uneaten food, which gives the body plenty of time for brief fasts throughout the day. This recipe is especially important and beneficial for cats with kidney problems or FUS. Never serve hot or cold food to your cat. Room temperature is best

Dog Tip: To stretch your meal for dogs, you can add a slice or two of whole grain bread to each meal upon serving. Never serve hot or cold food to your dog. Room temperature is best

Ailing Pet Tip: A pet that’s under the weather and or in recovery should start with portions of only the broth. It will be easier for them to process the rich, amino acid filled fluids and their body will not be expending energy in the digestion process, which may take away from their natural healing abilities. A healthy pet can dig right into the chunky stew filled with all the great ingredients

There’s never been a more complete and Holistic Pet Food that gives your pets everything you need to achieve glowing, great health. (Make sure to sign up for my newsletter NOW, so your lucky dogs and cats don’t miss another morsel!)

340 Responses

  1. My Maltese-shithzu is 21 months old. I bake her chicken and cooked rice. No salt etc. is added. I remove all the fat. From time to time she develops diarrheal. Why is that.


    1. Hi Carolyn… any time you change a pet’s diet from what they are used to… they may develop loose stool. If you follow the recipes in my book for a wholesome stew and feed that every day, there is no doubt in my mind that your dog will have perfect movements and be gloriously healthy every day of her life. I don’t recommend rice, and I do recommend fat. I think you just need to get a copy of my book to make the connections. Keep us posted. You’re a great Mom for writing and wanting to make the healthy lifestyle changes. xoxo

      1. Dear Andi
        PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
        My poor Scary Harry is my 13 year old pom who now has heart and liver problems. My vet had me buy a prescription dog food that my poor Harry hates. Can you please help me with a recipe that my baby will love.

        1. Hi Corky,
          Sorry to have taken so long to respond… I was on a bit of a much needed vacation. No doubt your poor Harry hates that food. It’s awful! You are on the right track to make Doc’s Stew for him. Not only will he LOVE the taste.. but it’s going to help make all his organs much stronger. PLEASE begin the cooking process. You’ll adore how he responds to the new food and you’ll step back and watch a healthy masterpiece being created. Please keep us posted and also.. it wouldn’t hurt for you to get a copy of my book. It’s an easy read and explains everything you need to make him better. Remember.. it’s never too late to eat better! xoxo Andi

      2. I want to try your stew recipe. Should I gradually add it to their dry kibble as I am concerned about the switch giving them diarrhea. I have two Maltese. Thank you, Wilda

        1. Hi Wilda, Sometimes there’s a possibility of some loose stool when you change a pet’s diet. You can definitely do it gradually, and/but if you are around the house during the day… I would suggest that you just go cold turkey and do it at once. Really – it’s what you are comfortable with. I’m just glad that you are going to get rid of the kibble and use the stew exclusively. Step back and see the miracles happen! You have some very lucky pups! xoxo Andi

          1. Hi Andi, thanks for your recipe! Just one question: I read that onion and garlic can be toxic for dogs, yet you include garlic in your stew. Is it because it’s not toxic once cooked? Or is there new research that says it’s ok for dogs?

          2. Hi John,
            All of the Holistic Veterinarians that I know.., use and love the benefits of garlic. If you fed an entire head of garlic to a pet in one sitting… chances it would get very sick, but the amount I like to recommend to be used in the stews are at very safe and beneficial levels. I suggest that you do use it.. .but if you are uncomfortable in any way… then feel free to omit it. I believe that it is excellent, when used in proportions that are recommended. xo Andi

          3. Hi, is garlic toxic to cats? I was looking in to this as an alternative to c/d but the garlic scares me a bit.

          4. Hi. Garlic, when used in the appropriate amounts is very beneficial to cats. BUT if you are hesitant in any way to use it. Then please – by all means…. make the stew, and omit the garlic. It will still be the best food in the world. xo Andi

      3. Hi
        I’ve been making your stew for over 5 years now for my dogs. They love it.
        Besides oatmeal, I add a little bit of rice. Is this ok?

        1. Hi Sandy,
          I’m so glad your dogs are doing so well on the Stew. It really is the BEST thing you can do for them. Rice has no real nutritional value, and is only used as a filler in commercial pet foods. I would not chose rice, although every now and again, there’s nothing wrong with it. The very best recipes for optimal health do not contain any grains at all, but if you need to stretch your budget a bit… then you can opt for that if you chose.
          xo Andi

          1. I rotate the recipe with oats, millet and quinoa. Both the millet and quinoa are protein rich.

    2. Maybe could also add probiotics
      You buy them from mercola or two crazy cat ladies.
      But diarrhoea is normal when change diets.

      1. Hi Vickie, The recipes change from time to time because we learn more as we go. The recipes in the book are not as up to date as the website because we can make changes to the website, but stay confined to the info in the book, which as you can imagine – is much more difficult to change. We say to just “cover the meat” because the veggies will also produce more liquids, especially if you are using frozen veggies. Because the oats are so dry, you would need to add more water to compensate from the moisture loss in the oats. A lot of people forgo the oats because they want just the benefits of the meat and veggie combo. Both recipes are fine and will produce great results. Keep up the great work. You and your pets will adore what the stews can do. xoxo Andi

  2. I have three saints ranging in weight from 130 to 185. Would I really need 18 cups a day for the 185 pound saint?

    1. Wow Patty! YOU are the Saint here! I couldn’t possibly tell you how much each dog would eat. Every pet is different, ranging from age, climate, health, activity level… etc. I don’t believe that your big baby would need THAT much food. (The portion recommendations are designed for small to medium sized dogs). My Border Collie gets 4 cups a day roughly. He is 55 pounds. Perhaps your big baby would need more like 10 – 12. Remember that this food is nutrient dense and they require less of homemade healthy food than bagged or canned. Hope it helps. Dive in. Make the food. See how they do. xoxox

  3. I am researching and studying everything so I can switch my baby from what I thought was a very high quality and healthy commercial dog food to organically homemade. I have read on numerous sites not to use rosemary but to use parsley. I have read that rosemary is a nerve toxin. Should I avoid it?

    1. Hi Tina, Glad you are making your baby’s food now. You cannot trust anything made in a bag or a can. So many recalls. So much hype about great pet foods. The only way to know what they’re getting is to make it yourself. Please never cook parsley and rosemary in very small proportions is fine. Perhaps it’s a great idea to get a copy of my book? You will surely be guided along the way. Do keep us posted and you have a lucky pup! xoxo

  4. Do you ever use boneless chicken for this? I would just be paranoid that I’d miss one of the little cooked bones in there somewhere and that it would harm my dog. I’m sure he would love this recipe. My cat would as well!

    1. Hi Lindsay! I really like encouraging people to use the WHOLE chicken if possible. The bones are very necessary because the calcium and other minerals get leached out into the broth, which is really the healthiest part of the stew itself. Just be careful to debone the chicken. It’s not hard to do. The meat falls away from the bone easily and you’ll be able to double check it once you actually serve it up. Hope you keep us posted on how your pets are loving it! xoxox

    2. Lindsay, If you are afraid of using the whole chicken, you might try using thighs only since the bones are large. Maybe Andi can weigh in on this?

      1. I really love the “whole” chicken and/but if it makes your life easier and you happier.. then by all means.. go that route. Holistic Living is just that… it’s what balances life to make it better! xoxo

      2. I made this stew for 8 years after my 2 year old Bichon was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma. I never had trouble deboning the chicken. She never had a problem with a small “missed” bone. She inhaled every meal!!

  5. Just made your chicken stew which both my dogs loved but i was wondering if the beef which you say you can use is just minced beef and also you dont use lamb in your recipe is there a reason for this?

    1. Hi Shirley, Good questions… you may substitute any meat (except pork) for the chicken in the recipe. Most pets have an easier time digesting poultry, which is why I like to recommend that best. Sadly, “most” people begin cooking for their pets only when they see a problem crop up, rather than taking cooking as prevention. Be the brilliant chef you are, and PLEASE make a journal and take notes and photos. (Journal is in my book) xox

        1. Hi Robin, it depends on which pets you are feeding. I believe that our pets do best being fed animals that would be a part of their natural food chain. So an animal smaller than it seems ideal. In other words… a chicken could be taken down by a dog or a cat. I have had friends feed deer meat to their pets and their pets became sick. No telling what parasites any “game” might be harboring. Use your best judgement and feed wisely. xoxo

  6. Thank so much for this recipe Andi!! I’ve almost finished the first batch and my two cats are loving it. It took a little bit of a transition for the female cat but the male laps it right up. I’ve notice a dramatic difference in their coats and energy. We moved recently from a large house to a small apartment so the male cat was not able to hunt for about 5 months. Now that I’ve started them on this diet they don’t shed nearly as much and are in a pleasant mood more often.

    Thanks again!

    P.S. I’m buying the book right now! You know your stuff!

    1. Hi Melissa, I’m THRILLED to know you’re making your food and how well they’re doing already! YAY YOU! You actually sound like one of the great stories in my book.. You’ll recognize it when you read it and please keep us posted.. What a great Mom you are! xoxo

  7. Hi I have a very itchy picky dog he likes a more solid food refuses wet.He came from a puppy mill cheap dry dog I was wondering if your book has any meatloaf type recipes where calcium could be added? He wont touch stew or broth..

    1. Hi Wendy… Some pets become “creatures of habit”… but I can’t think of ANY dog who didn’t LOVE their homemade food the way we recommend it. You already know that the cheap dry dog food isn’t providing what he needs to create glowing great health.. so, let’s make the switch as soon as possible. I REALLY recommend that you get a copy of my book which will truly help to walk you both through the steps of great health and there’s lots of tips for making the change as happy as possible. There are meatloaf recipes, but the stew is the healthiest of all. It’s the staple of what my own cat and dog eat. All the people on this website can’t be wrong! Bravo for making the stew and creating the best dog on the planet! xox

  8. I think you are right. I made the stew today before I saw your answer .I took a leap of faith and my dogs both gobbled it up so I gave some to the cat. now to get your book and on to the oils. I hope his itching stops soon. we have tried every thing we could except steroids I refused to give them to him he was 6 mths when the itching started hes now a one and a half I didn’t want him on meds for life.

  9. Andi, My dogs are doing great with the stew, oil & vitamin C suplements. Cat is eating the stew fine, unless I add vit C or the oil blend… then she won’t touch it. Any suggestions on how to get the oil into her? She really needs it for hairballs, etc. Thanks.

    1. Hi Julie… Great Job! I understand that the vitamin C is very sour. Lots of cats turn their noses up at it. Perhaps you can try Ester C. It’s buffered and more bland. As far as the oils go.. how about just starting with a FEW DROPS of just salmon oil to get her used to it. Mix it very well into the food and gradually start adding the other oils. The salmon oil may be enough… You’ll have to judge.
      If you feed the stew all the time.. it should/could maybe be enough? xoxo

  10. I have two English Setters 55 and 65 pounds, The smaller has serious allergies to gluten and apparently sensitivities to chicken, egg, turkey, potato, sweet potato and likely beef/bison. I have had success with duck and chickpea commercial kibble, but I believe pork is okay and want to modify your stew with pork and chickpeas and peas. Have you any experience with this and any recommendations? Thanks!

    I was planning to do a 1/3+ 2/3 mix of kibble with homemade to ensure he transitions without distress, because I have to be extremely careful with him. The other boy, not so much, although he does show some sensitivity to gluten.

    1. Hi Debra, OH BOY!!!! Have you been given the run around! Most pets are not “allergic” to high quality, real, wholesome foods. (That are easy to digest, like the ones in my stews). They are “sensitive” to the crap that commercial pet food makers put into those store bought foods. Pets that test allergic to something on a Monday, do not necessarily test the same on a Wednesday. I REALLY believe and know that my recipes have helped tens of thousands off pets to live well. They come with sound advice and our work with so many dogs and cats over decades. PLEASE follow the protocol in my book. I hope that you get my book. It will explain so much of why we do what we do to help the animals. I would tell you NOT TO SUBSTITUTE anything, with the exception of eliminating the grains portions of my recipe if a dog is really ill. When the cat food recipe is made (without the grains) it is a bit easier for their bodies to assimilate the nutrients in the food. You will see. Please keep us posted and don’t start making food with pork and chick peas. I cannot see this being good at all. xox Andi
      And also – NO DRY FOOD EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Andi, I have a GSD that has EPI. I think I have purchased every dog food that has been made and my dog still has bowel issues. She is on enzymes now. What should I feed her?

    1. Hello Pattie,
      Welcome to the world of healthy pets! Please get a copy of my book. It will explain why EVERY DOG FOOD can create bowel issues and dozens of other problems. You will enjoy reading it and sharing your success of a happy new GSD in a very short time. xoxo Andi

  12. Hi Andi,

    I’ve just completed week one of your book. My 6 month old puppy and 4.5 month old kitten are doing well on the EFAs. The puppy is shedding more than usual but I will continue to give him the EFAs and observe.

    The stew is brewing in my kitchen as I am typing this. Tonight will be their first 100% home made meal. I did no have rolled oats so I put organic brown rice in the puppy’s portion.

    Here is my question:
    Do puppies and kittens have any additional/special nutritional needs to support their rapid growth? Do I need to add other items to their diet so they can grow strong(er) and healthy(ier)?

    Thank you.


    1. Hello Nisha, Congratulations in making your sweet ones the healthiest they can be. (Remember that the season is changing, and pets will shed their summer or winter coats twice a year so I’m not surprised to hear about the shedding. It will stop). I’m so happy to know that you’re making their food and not trusting their health to the pet food companies. Yes, growing kittens and puppies could use additional supplements. You will have to continue to read on to get those answers:) I’m sure that you’ll love how healthy they continue to become, and/but I would like to recommend that next time you don’t use the rice. Their diets are better without grains, and/but the oats seem to help more than the rice. Keep up the great work and don’t stop reading. Make sure you keep journals (in my book). You’ll probably never have to see the vet! Congratulations and BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxox

  13. Hi Andi,

    I’ve been feeding all three of my dogs with the recipes in your book for some time now. My then 12 year old rottie was in bad shape, having had surgery to have a tumor removed. Shortly after her surgery another tumor began to grow. I knew I had to make a change.
    I began feeding and supplementing her diet with everything you suggested and her tumor actually stopped growing! Her coat became shiny, she started moving better with less stiffness and I was beyond happy. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me another 2 1/2 years with my now almost-15 year old rottie.
    Unfortunately, she has been getting increasingly weak in her hind legs, and although she is still happy, eating normally etc I am becoming concerned. I know she won’t be with me forever, I can’t believe she is 15, but I’d like to keep her as happy and healthy as I can for as long as possible. I’ve had her since I was 11 and I can’t imagine her not being there when I walk in the door. Do you have any suggestions for what else I could do for her? I was thinking about increasing her Gluco/Chondroitin dosage but I don’t know how much would be safe to give for a 65 lbs dog?
    Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again!

    1. Hi Patricia, THANK YOU so much for starting my day off with such incredible happy news about your Rottie. She is one lucky pup to have you. If it were my dog, I would keep her really trim (of course) and make sure to give anywhere between 5,000 mg and 7,500 mg of Vitamin C a day. Make sure to spread this out over a few meals, as the vitamin c gets urinated out during the day. Try to exercise her at the beach, in a lake, pool.. The weightlessness of being in the water and swimming keeps everything toned and healthy. Keep up the great work. You’re a terrific Mom! xoxox

  14. I would like to try the stew recipe however, I’m surprised that you have called for rolled oats (for dogs) … All I’ve heard is that dogs should not eat grains so can you explain to me why you saying to add oats to the stew?

    Thank you.


    1. Hi Sandra, So much of the details in the Whole Pet Diet Plan is explained in my book, but here’s my take: Corn, wheat, rice, potatoes are typically added into commercial pet foods to fill up the bag or the can. (We have no use for those commercial foods at all). However, oats help to purify the blood and also provide certain nutrients to help the body and aid in digestion. If you want a totally grain free food (which is also great…) then by all means.. omit the oats. Your stew will be thinner/soupier, and cost you a bit more to make, but will be incredible for healing the body. Use the recipe for cat food for your dogs and you’ll never go wrong. xoxx

        1. Hi, the oats have medicinal qualities as well as an abundance of minerals that are great for your dog. I would skip the sweet potato before the oats. xox

  15. Hi..Just came across this site. It sounds wonderful and healthy. I have a colony of cats with a virus. Probably herpes virus. They are constantly having trouble with URI”s. What would you reccomend for a diet for them? I am giving them kibble with l-lysine,vit c and sun chlorella added. We are also having trouble with a bacteria skin problem causing abscesses that are antibiotic resistant. ;Thank You

    1. Dear Rachel,
      Oh My Goodness! YOU REALLY need to get a copy of my book. It addresses the problems that most people have with their pets in a clear and concise manner. PLEASE get a copy. As far as any “disease” – regardless how it is labeled… ie: URI’s, skin problems, – I have found that it is typically (98%) related to what they are eating. I NEVER recommend any kibble. it is completely anti-nature. Some pets can live on it, but I don’t know of many that can actually thrive on it. It causes so may health problems. Of course I advise that a homemade food is given and my book addresses and offers all kinds of info on what supplements to give to help boost their immune systems. Please check out my book for the live and health of the ones you love. xox Andi

  16. I am just getting started with your book for my newest adopted addition.
    He has been having some behaviour issues and after a consultation with a trainer, many of the things you include in daily tasks with the pets is what she also suggested. When I read that I was thrilled.
    From reading the first 2 chapters in the book, it seems like obesity is one of the major problems; however, my boy has the opposite problem. I cannot keep weight on him and he is losing it.
    I assumed this recipie will help with all situations but I would just like to make sure since typically putting on weight is not the issue.

    1. Hi Johanna,
      So glad you wrote to me. The recipe for healthy stew is so magical. Because it’s so nutrient dense… it helps to balance out the pet’s metabolism. So, an overweight pet will naturally slim down and an underweight pet seems to gain muscle and fill out so that they are perfectly proportioned. I believe that you will see your new sweet one fill out to where he feels fabulous! Keep up the wonderful work and do keep us all posted on your success! xoxx

  17. Hi Andi
    Just read your book….I’m using a premix that I add meat and eggs and veggies to; it works well for my dogs but is a LOT of work…!! I was looking at your Chicken stew and wonder why…if the chicken is stewing for 2 hours you couldn’t just grind the bones in with the chicken….they get so soft…..not like in baked chicken.

    1. Hi Ellie…. Cooked chicken bones do splinter. They don’t get that soft even after stewing for two or so hours. You could probably grind them down, and but it’s a lot of work and you already have the nutrients from them in the stew itself.. so it may be more work than you need to do! xoxo

  18. Hi Andi, I was looking on line, and was confused with the amount of information about all this dog food stuff. I am a proud owner of a 2yearold 5lb. Chui Chua and a 3month old 9lb. toy Australian shepherd. I have never done a raw/BARF/or STEW diet for my dogs. I would like to start them on a STEW diet, what do you think. I want them to be happy and healthy and live long lives. What are the pros and cons. Also, What are some things I need to incorporate other than Kelp powder and Vit. D. How much Vit. D do they need? I don’t want to make my dogs sick putting too much or not enough vitamins. Do you have a recapie you would be willing to share and how much I should be feeding them? I guess my 5lb would be 1/2 – 1cup 2X’s a day? double that for my 9lb baby? is that right? Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hi Sherry,
      I’m so glad that you wrote me. OK… first of all.. EVERYONE does great on the stew diet. Seriously! I’m not a big fan of the raw diet, although I do like to incorporate some raw foods into their regime. I think that you should get a copy of my book which explains everything you really need to know about how much to feed, what vitamins, when, etc. etc. My Doc’s Stew recipe that you are commenting on is a great recipe and but I think that you may be feeding too much food. Remember that this food is really nutrient dense. Weigh your dogs. Watch them. (My book contains a very useful journal for guiding the appropriate foods, snacks, etc.) If they gain too much weight.. you are feeding too much. If they lose too much weight – you are feeding too little. The should be perfect. Keep us all posted on your success. Happy new year. Your pups are very lucky to have you. xoxo

  19. Hi Andi, I have two hairless Chinese Cresteds. My youngest is only 12 weeks old. Is this Doc’s Stew suitable for a young puppy? How much should a puppy be fed? I did order your book. However have not received it yet. I’m very anxious to start reading it.

    1. Hi Lori.. yes start immediately with the new food for all your pets. Today is the best day to begin. You will be blown away by the results. Keep us all posted! xoxo

      1. I have been feeding the Chicken Stew for approximately two weeks now. Both dogs love it. One thing I have noticed, especially in my 2 year old is that he is urinating more often. I use to feed them dry food. I’m assuming this is normal. Does this normally continue or does it seem to straighten out after they are more accustom to the new diet? My puppy is not quite potty trained and seems to go at random yet so its hard to tell if she goes more than normal at this point.

        1. Hi Lori, Your dogs will definitely adjust to the new wet food, and/but you may be putting too much water in it. Try adding a bit less the next time you make it. It is healthy for them to have the broth. Very healthy. Keep up the great work! xoxo

          1. Hi Andi, I have been feeding my two Chinese Crested your stew for almost 4 months now. I add the essential oils to every meal however i discontinued using the vitamin mix because my 2 yr old gets a rash on his belly every time I use it. Are they getting enough vitamins and minerals with just the stew and oils or should I be trying some other supplements? I considered trying each supplement individually to see which one he is reacting to but not sure how much of each they need. Thank you in advance for all your help.

          2. Hi Lori,
            WOW! I’m so very glad that you discovered that the Vita Mix was not agreeing with your baby. Sometimes the yeast is a problem. What you may want to do is to try the vita mix without the yeast. It still provides a lot of benefit. (B vitamins) and see if there is a reaction. I think a whole diet of the stew and the oils will keep your sweet ones in the peak of great health for the rest of their lives. Bravo for making their food and keeping an eye on what works and what doesn’t. The art of great health is about stepping back and assessing your painted masterpiece. Keep us all posted on your success, please! xoxo

  20. Hi Andi!
    I am making this recipe right now for my 6lb. Morkie and my 12lb. Black Persian Cat. I have just started researching and making their food and treats! I am so excited I stumbled on your page. I will keep you updated on the results. Thanks for sharing all of this amazing info! Im so excited!

    Peace, Love & Cake,

    1. Hi Natalie.. How lucky your sweet ones are! Happy that you’re doing the very best for them. Yes, please keep us all posted on your success and their great health transformations. xox Andi

  21. Hi Andi –

    I am so excited to rediscover your book! I bought it years ago but thought I was too busy to make food and snacks for my kitties. Fast forward to the last year and my senior kitty, Cindy now has renal failure and won’t eat much. She also has diabetes and arthritis. My poor baby! Anyway, my vet said let her eat anything since she was withering away, so I remembered your book, and with my busy schedule I have figured out how to make Doc’s Stew in the multi-cooker to make it easier.

    AND THE IMPORTANT PART: Cindy loves it and has already gained back some of her weight. She also does not get sick as much. I am so pleased. I will now make time to read the read of your wonderful book.


    1. Oops! I meant… read the REST of your wonderful book!

      Typing too fast and getting ready to make some more Doc’s Stew right now…

      Karin 🙂

    2. Oh Karin, I’m so happy and pleased to know about your lovely kitty. You are a great Mom.. Commercial pet food is so bad. Same with the treats. Taking your sweet one’s life and food into your own hands is a gift you give to her and yourself. Lucky Cindy. xox Andi

  22. Hi, I have a mixed breed that has peri-anal fistulas. I have tried every diet and medication regiment known and been to numerous specialist. I am hoping that this diet will help.

    1. Hi Diane, I don’t know of any problem that cannot be remedied with REAL, WHOLESOME, HEALTHY food that the body is easily able to utilize and assimilate and eliminate gracefully. Keep us posted and stay away from ANY commercial foods or treats. xoxo Andi

  23. Hi! Just started my two schnauzers abigale and ginger on the stew. I prepared just the way you indicated in the recent website posting of the stew. But I only was able to get 12 cups blended in food processor.
    Was I suppose to include the broth in the mixing with the food processor to make the 26 cups?

    1. Hi Terri,
      YES, you NEED to always include the broth. It’s where all the real nutrients are kept! I’m sure that Abigale and Ginger are very happy eating the “drier” version of the stew, and there is nothing wrong with it, but it’s not going to give you the really incredible nutrients that are contained in the broth. Next time… use it all (excluding the bones). It would probably be a great idea for you to get a copy of my book to help the whole process along. Your girls are lucky to have you. xoxo Andi

  24. Hi Andi,

    This recipe looks great and very doable. A couple quick questions:
    1) I have a 1 year old Great Pyr, so I’m thinking about 8 cups would be enough for him? Any recommendations? We can also try it and see how he responds and adjust as needed.
    2) Can I double or triple the recipe and freeze?
    3) What is the approximate cost to make this his new food regimen permanently?

    Thank you for all of your wisdom!!

    1. Hi Jaymee…Your big boy is very lucky indeed! Every pet is different, so you will adjust as needed. Good way of putting it!, Yes.. definitely double or triple the recipe. I always make four pots on my stove. I also bought an extra freezer to keep my food stocked. Cost will vary depending on your dog and how much he eats. The only thing that I know is that you’ll never have vet bills… so you’ll save big time on that! Thank you for your kind words. xox Andi

  25. I just finished your stew for my “terminal” 4 yr old. I am encouraged by all your and your followers comments. I was wondering about the consistency of the stew – it is not chunky or stew like but more of a thick purée, right? My dogs loved it and lapped it up but I wanted to make sure I had prepared it correctly. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Carrie… A thick puree is just fine. The more it’s broken down in consistency.. the better/easier it is for them to absorb and utilize the nutrients. Glad your pups are loving it. Please do keep us posted on your journey. Terminal is never a word I use. Things that are broken can be fixed a lot of times. My sweet Spot was also called “terminal” and he lived another 13 years! xoxo

  26. Hi Andi–

    I came across your website, and was hoping you could answer a few questions. I have a 90lb male traditional Shar Pei/Weimaraner mix who just turned 7. He has been eating a steamed to order diet resembling those that Mary Strauss (from the Whole Dog Journal) has listed on her site for the past three years, and I have consulted directly with her to customize his diet. It resembles yours in a way, ie. varied muscle meat, organ meat etc. with some green veggies added on top of the weighed out portions.

    I supplement his current diet with finely ground egg shell to supply calcium in addition to other supplements like fish oil and VIt. E. I was surprised to read that adequate calcium is leached from the bones in the broth in the stew, but I trust your analysis.

    My main issue is that my dog has actually put weight on with this diet and stabilized at his current weight , though it’s muscle mass. Most days of the year, he and I hike or walk 3-5 miles daily. My concern is that he has also developed a few lipomas which isn’t unusual, but a bit discouraging considering his diet and exercise. I’ve had a full thyroid panel done, and all the numbers are in the ‘normal’ range. I’m wondering if he has an immune system, metabolism or other glandular issue. I’ve read contradicting reports about giving algae, kelp etc. to holistically treat the fatty tumors.

    One more question – any reason why I can’t use a crock pot to slow cook the stew recipe?

    Thanks for your information and feedback. I read everything I can find about my dog’s well being, and I’m certainly going to buy your book.

    1. Hi Sean, I’m so glad you left your comments. There has never been an overweight pet on my stew…. I can’t speak to the ingredients in the formula you are using, but there is either something in the food that is causing the weight gain, or perhaps you are feeding too much. Sometimes people think that pet vitamins are fine because they claim to be healthy or natural. I cannot recommend ANY pet vitamins on the market. I would definitely look to see what it is that may be causing the problems and eliminate them to see what the difference is. No reason you can’t use a crock pot. Anything to save time is great. I hope that you get a copy of my book, as it might answer some questions you have to help your sweet one. Keep us posted on your success. xoxo

  27. Hi Andi
    So happy I found your site! Love It!!
    Ordered your book this morning, can’t wait for it to get here; so I just had to print a couple of your recipes.
    Have made homemade dog food for my 2 Boston Terriers before, they are very picky eater, but love homemade.
    No more store bought for my fur babies!!
    Thanks for the great choices.
    Blessings to you

    1. Hi Robin, So lucky your fur babies are eating well now! The difference between the health of a pet on commercial pet foods… versus homemade is astounding! Keep up all the great work and do keep us posted on their success! xoxo

  28. Andi, We feed our babies, now just a year old, science diet. They are beginning to have an odor which is the exact smell of the dog food. I am looking forward to your stew. The vet told us to stay away from fat because of problems with the pancreas.
    I will let you know if the smell goes away!! Thanks

    1. Hi Linda.. remember that we are what we eat. Pets should smell clean, fresh and healthy. Odors are a sign that the food they’re eating is not healthy or good for them. Change the diet and you’ll see how amazing they look, smell and act! Keep us posted. xox Andi

    1. Hi Tammy, Unfortunately we are not making the stew commercially available anymore, but you certainly shouldn’t let that stop you from grabbing my recipe and making it yourself. Your pets will love you forever! Rolled oats should be found at any health food store but if you cannot find them, just use whole oats. xox

    2. You can buy rolled oats and all the oils necessary for the Great Coat at
      They have free shipping on orders of $20 or more. If you use this code MHJ621 at
      the end, you will get $10 off of your order. Be sure to buy her book, because there
      is so much more info in her book even though the website is great.

  29. Pingback: The Whole Pet Diet
  30. Hi Andi!!
    I want to update you. My 14 yr old min pin had high glucose in his urine as of February 9,2014. He was drinking two full bowls of water a day and peeing puddles in his room
    I started him on the docs stew 5 feedings ago and yesterday he didnt have any peeing accidents in his room or potty ones either. And he hasnt even finished one whole bowl of water in two days. I know its still early in the process but it seems to be working! ^^

    1. Hi Kary – I’m thrilled to know that you and your sweetie are getting such great results already! Bravo to the healing artist you are becoming. I am convinced that there is nothing about the body that cannot be improved or even cured with the right nutritional support. Sadly, no commercial pet foods are healthy enough to make the claim. Keep up the great work and do keep us posted! xoxo Hugs to Lucky

  31. Hello, my miniature dachshunds are both 16years old. They have developed an aversion to the Blue Senior dry dog food I’ve been giving them for the past 7 years…prior to that, they were on Science Diet. I would regularly give them rice and boiled chicken with mixed veggies when they would get their symptoms of major diarrhea then switch back to the dry then a few days later they would get the symptoms again. Can I switch them permanently to cooked food such as your recipe for the Chicken Stew, given their age? I know that for seniors I should stay on the lower side of the protein. Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi Rowena, Any time you dramatically change a pet’s food, they may encounter some loose stool. I would think that for your sweet ones.. you should do the switch a bit gradually, but they should do beautifully and LOVE the food in a very short time. PLEASE do get a copy of my book for your library. It’s fun reading and really explains all you need to know to continue to have wonderfully healthy dogs that are “just reaching their senior years”. BRAVO! xoxo

  32. Hi, Andi. I bought a copy of your book and have been making the recipes and using the vitamix and essential oils for our 3 chihuahuas for about 3 months now. They have never been picky eaters, but they absolutely LOVE the stew. It is so easy to make and I feel so much better knowing exactly what our dogs are eating. We’ve started calling our 12 year old chihuahua “the land shark”. She gobbles up her food and then sneaks up on the other dogs and tries to oust them from their dishes so she can eat the rest. We are adopting a 4th dog in March and we look forward to starting her on the stew as well. Thanks so much for all the great info.

    1. Hi Paige, I’m thrilled to know how well your little ones are doing on the stew. It must be so much fun to see your little land shark try to get to the others! (Do you make the dun, dun, dun, dun song/noise as she’s approaching the others?:) Congrats on your newest baby. Starting them off on the stew means they have a lifetime of vibrant, glowing, great health. Bravo to you and the family! Keep us all posted! xox

  33. Dear Andi (my nick name is Andi, too!) Is it ok to substitute fresh wild salmon with canned wild caught salmon? Thank you! Bought the book on Amazon today and looking forward to it!! – Adrienne

  34. I have three Italian Greyhounds and it seems like some days they like the chicken stew but there are more days they don’t like it. What can I do to entice them to eat it other than put shredded chicken on top? I am trying to raise them on a holistic and healthy diet and want them to like it so much!

    1. Hi Tee, are you using the “exact” recipe from my book, or are you making it with “other” ingredients? I believe that they generally love it when it’s got all the good stuff that my recipe calls for. (Some people think that they should or could add “other” ingredients – such as spinach or kale, because it’s veggies that are healthy) – BUT – spinach and kale are both bitter and lots of pets don’t love that. If you are following my recipe – then there are also healthy “bribe” toppings that can be added on top to give variety. You can definitely find that chapter in my book. xoxo

  35. Hi Andi,
    Love your book! Just got it ( its the old version- Barnes & Noble didn’t have the new one) but I’m desparate to help my 12 yr old Kat. She is scratching & chewing herself raw. We’re working hard to alleviate any fleas (she’s allergic), and she’s very grain – sensitive. We had her on Pure Vita grain free-wet & dry – for the last yr and she did well at first, now I’m shopping for your stew and oil ingredients to make this weekend.

    My question is: Is including wheat germ oil in the oil mix still a good idea for her?

    Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Sandi… you probably have the updated and newest version of my book. (Me on the back cover lying down with Holiday and Lola). It says 2006, but has been improved since then. Yes, wheatgerm is fine. Kat will definitely be helped in a very short time. There are unfortunately NO PET PRODUCTS that I can recommend because they are all such low quality. (even the premium, natural and supposedly healthy ones). Get her on the magical stew and keep us all posted on her success. Glad you found us! xoxox

  36. Hi Andi!
    Thanks for all the great information.

    Our overivew is: We have always cooked for our boys since we had that at 6 weeks…Around two, Elwood started having seizures and Jake is a bit anxious. They are the perfect example of Yin and Yang. Elwood internalizes and Jake lets you know what he is feeling. Both have allegies which is more recent (they will be 10 this year) I am guessing is environmental. (they currently get beef and veggies) and occasionally eat grass or poopl. We have eliminated grains the other year as we cannot identify what causes the seizures in El. We do daily massages, aromatherapy, chiropractic, herbs and acupuncture. As you can see, we are more than committed to our boys. I am about to cook the stew and glad I saw the updated recipe here. I am hoping the stew will help with the allergies and digestion.

    My questions are:
    Can it help with seizures and anxiety?
    We kept the EFA in the fridge and it is really quite think now. Is that ok? Should we remove from fridge?
    I was surpised to see garlic in the recipes. I keep hearing no garlic for dogs. Why is that the belief of the mainstream thought as you have clearly outlined the benefits? What is the negative to garlic?

    Thanks again! I refer the book to every pet owner I meet! If we can spread the word maybe we can finally save some wonderful companions from the deadly diseases that they are being subjected to.

    Continue your terrific mission! Much love from Chicago!

    1. Dear Penny, Thanks so much for the good cheer! I’m so glad that you’re going to follow the new recipe for the stew. We constantly update the recipes, based on all the feedback and information we get. Yes, the stew should help with the seizures and the anxiety. I’m guessing that you may be giving them some “other” foods and/or pet treats that may be causing the problems. Remember… NO COMMERCIAL FOOD OR TREATS. EFA’s in the fridge are fine. It may be too cold in the area that you are keeping the oil. so.. move it to another part of the fridge. (If its on the door.. move to a shelf, or vice versa). I love garlic in moderate proportions as do all the holistic vets I know. Too much of anything could be a problem if it’s overused. There should also be no more digestive problems. If there are.. you are feeding things that are difficult to digest. I can’t say enough great things about the recipe for stews… but please don’t substitute “other” things. Some people make the mistake of using “other” veggies and those can be difficult on their system. Also… beef is harder to digest than chicken or turkey.. so let’s give them an easy time and not complicate their bodies. Please do keep us all posted on your success. I made a blueprint that is easy to follow.. Just do what the book says and I’m sure you’ll all be happier and healthier.. Keep up the great work. xoxox

  37. Hi Andi, my beautiful 7months old Boerboel Matt has in past 4weeks started vomiting on 1st well known kibble now followed by diarrhea on next ( expensive) brand.! I plan to try your stew, buying ingredients today. I am concerned about the balance of protein calcium, phosphate and vitamins as he is a large breed and will still be growing for +- 12 months, probably ending up at 60+ kg. I have not purchased your book yet – does it have a section on correct puppy food/combination of ingredients? I am excited to try the stew but need to know that I give him all the nutrients he needs as a growing youngster, at present at 40 kg! Much regards from Cape Town, South Africa

    1. Hi Alet, I don’t think that any pet food maker has the interest of your sweet pup’s health in mind as indicated by the symptoms you describe. I would start on the stew immediately and definitely get my book which lists all the supplements your soon-to-be big boy needs for optimum health and growth. My stew will assure strong bones, ligaments and joints and a long and healthy life without all kinds of unnecessary vet visits. Our resident Holistic Pet Chef and expert Rikki-Lee Schroeder lives in Cape Town. Perhaps you should contact her for a consultation? I’m sure she would love to know you more!
      Keep us all posted on your success. You’re about to have a very happy, healthy baby!. xoxo

  38. Pingback: The Whole Pet Diet
  39. Hi Andi! Trying to get my sister to get her cats changed over to your fantastic recipe. One is known to have UTI problems. All the more reason for feeding your recipe. What I need to know is, does the recipe contain enough taurine?

    1. Hi Linda… yes that sweet baby should only be eating home made and NEVER dry! I can’t tell you how many people don’t realize that feeding DRY food actually CAUSES UTI’s. Sad, because it’s easy to understand that Dry food dries out all the organs and creates a multitude of problems. Taurine is found in both muscle meat and organ meat. Never an issue with home made – made the right way! xooxo

  40. What happened to Spot’s Stew? I’ve been making that for five months and just came here for the recipe and cannot find it. Do you no longer recommend that one?

    1. Hi Joanna, I’m always updating and improving my recipes. The old Spot’s Stew recipe is still good, but the Doc’s stew is much improved! xoxo

  41. Pingback: The Whole Pet Diet
  42. I have two Katrina rescue dogs and another puppy mill dog from Alabama who came up with heartworm, a yeast infection that was so bad it was outward on her skin and itching . Rotten teeth which I have removed 5. And old hard milk still in her nipples from breeding and was still there after 1/1/2 years after her last litter. Like many of the Katrina dogs they have kidney issues and pancreas issues since they developed bacteria that backed up into there systems and damaged those organs since many of them were in too much standing water for a long period of time before they were rescued. One has some kidney damage. The other pancreas issues. I was advised to not feed any grains and low protein diet. I have been making a ‘stew’ similar to yours for the last couple of years just thru my own research. I use ground chicken or turkey or boiled whole chicken de boned. I have laying hens but I only feed them the whites. They do get salmon oil on it and thy don’t seem to mind plus cranberries because one gets frequent UTI’s. Since half the year they have fresh vegetables, beans, carrots, squash, ( several types) and sweet potatoes from the garden the rest I have to freeze after blanching for the year. They also get blueberries, pears and apples when in season from my yard. All organic. They are worse than rabbits or deer in the garden. They ‘hover’ over the basket as I pick. If I turn my back on them they will run in and grab a whole squash or a mouth full of beans and take to their respective places in the yard to eat it. I have one who actually pulls radishes up by herself and eats them but doesn’t pull up the carrots. (I don’t have time to pesticide anything I grow LOL) I also raise 30 chickens a year and 6 turkeys for us humans in the house and sometimes after we eat them I boil the carcass, pick leftover meat off the bones and use that for a broth mixture. Is that bad? After we cooked it in the oven for ourselves? I was wondering too about the liver and gizzards. Is that too high protein? I generally throw out the chicken and turkey livers, hearts, gizzards kidneys, ect because no one in the family likes any of it. Also I can’t stop them from eating whole fruit in the fall.They love them. The pears and apples drop from the trees and when I let them out the door they race each other to look for the dropped apples and pears and scoff them. I know apple seeds aren’t good for them but what about pear seeds? Thank you

    1. Hi Nancy, You’re an angel for all that you’ve rescued. Your questions are lengthy, so I’ll just get to the “meat” of the answers. First, I would definitely like to suggest that you get a copy of my book, because you’re the kind of Mom that would truly benefit. (You care so much:) I love the meat and veggie diet, and/but I really believe that cooking them all together presents the best kind of easily absorbable nutrition for them. Cooking it all together and the broth has the most nutrients of all. Raw veggies are more difficult to digest. Cooked chicken bones could pose a hazard for choking and splinters, so I would never use them. All of the organ meat could be substituted for the liver portions of my recipes. They are great. As far as ALL THE FRUITS that they are getting… I would not recommend that they have so much access to them. Fruit (too much of) can ferment in their bodies and cause ALL KINDS OF PROBLEMS. A little bit of fruit here and there is ok, but only as a small snack a few times a week. By letting them eat as much as they want, you are setting them up for further issues. My ideal protein to veggie ratio is about 50/50 meat and veggie. Vitamin C is very helpful for bacteria and provides wonderful anti-oxidants. (Good for kidneys as well). xoxo

      1. I’ve already ordered your book from Amazon yesterday after I found your site. I do cook everything together with the broth and deboned meat from the poultry But in the fall I f have to freeze the vegetables separately as they are harvested at separate times. When I mix a batch of food for them I use the broth from the deboned chicken that I boil after we ate it since there is much chicken left on the bones, add some ground poultry, and egg whites, then add in what I have for the frozen vegetables that I harvested. The cranberries and blueberries are also frozen and thrown in for cooking with the rest of my stew for them but the proportion is small in the mix.. Springtime makes vitamin’s for humans, dogs, and horses which is why I went with them, but obviously they don’t add things like the liver flavor and bovine flavor to make them chewable for humans. Thankfully. YUCK !
        It was so hard to find information when I found the potentially life threatening issues in the girls. Scouring the internet for recipes wasn’t easy. But what I came up with 3 years ago the BUN numbers came down significantly and their overall health has improved. And from bits and pieces I came up with a few of my own, but I was always worried it wasn’t balanced enough or I was missing a vitamin they needed. It will be nice to have a book hopefully with it all and recipes that don’t feel like I am missing something..
        I raise 80% of our food on the farm here. Our children, now grown, were always exceptionally healthy. Which is why when I found out the health issues of the dogs I turned to what I did for our family. Raise and cook the food myself so I know what is in it. I will add the vitamin C and hope that gives her further relief. It is a shame tho that when I was looking for healthy home made diets for chronic kidney issues and pancreatitis in dogs that your book didn’t come up.
        I look forward to reading the book.

        As far as the fruit. I can’t chop them down as we use them for food ourselves and they were existing when we bought the farm property 30 years ago. Unfortunately they are scattered around the 5 acre yard. But on the bright side, it is seasonal and short lived.

        1. Hi Nancy – It sounds like you all live in heaven! Wish we could all eat as well as you and your family! Keep up the great work! xox – Andi

  43. PS. It seems like you are mostly food oriented holistic but wondered if you had other advice on joint issues. One has had ACL surgery and recovered well but still seems weak on that left rear joint. It was not genetic, but since she is a crazy field bred lab that has more energy at 7 then most dogs ever do as a 1 or 2 yr old dog. Still does. She just won’t slow down. When she was a year up to 5 years old everyone thought she was crazy with energy, but I funneled that excessive energy into Agility and Rally O for fun. No competition just back yard fun. I have to supplement her with Advanced Hip and Joint chewables for dogs from Springtime which has the Chondroitin sulfate, Glucosamine, and the only one I have found that has the Boswellia serrate extract which seems to make the difference for her. Do you have any further ideas to help with her being so hard on her joints? After an afternoon on the beach she is often stiff and lame for a day or two and I live on a lake but can’t keep her from playing flipping her Frisbee toy in to the air rushing around in the shallow water and jumping up in the air to get it. She goes to the down to the beach and does this totally on her own. Any suggestions of something in her diet that would help with the joints and inflammation?

    1. Hi Nancy again… Vitamin C for the joints, considering you’re using Chondroitin and Glucosamine. I would only trust a human vitamin source though. Swimming is the best exercise for a physically challenged dog. Keep up the great work. And again… my book would be very helpful. xox

  44. Hi Andie, I just stumbled onto your information and have read most of the comments. We have fed what we were told was a “great” choice of commercial dry dog food. We have a small toy poodle who will soon be 7. She doesn’t have any particular health issues as many above have stated but living in the south with heat and humidity we do deal with fleas all summer and she seems to “pick them up” even just going out for bathroom breaks. Also, she does have pretty bad breath. I don’t want to have her put under to have her teeth cleaned since she’s only 4 lbs. Will this type of diet help with her tendencies to attract fleas and also help with her breath? Also, what is the best way to start her on this program with her existing food? Thank you for your help!

    1. Hi Charlotte, Yes, today is a great day to make the change for your little one! (After all – we’re never too old and it’s never too soon to eat better!). Fleas are attracted to the weaker animals and the bad breath is what she is eating. If you eat an apple, your breath will be like an apple. If you eat a salami sandwich – your breath will smell like that. I don’t recommend ANY dry food. It’s so anti-nature. Try the diet for a few weeks, step back and watch your sweet girl glow with great health. Its unmistakable. It wouldn’t hurt to get a copy of my book to help along the way. Keep us posted. xox

  45. I just came across your site and I’d like to thank you for giving us a plethora of wonderful information. I was initially looking up recipes for a Raw Foods diet for my fur babies ( 3 huskies, 1 schnauzer and 1 cocker spaniel). What is your take on this type of diet? Right now I am giving them grain free kibble and supplementing with raw eggs and coconut oil.

    1. Hi Raquel, Thank you for your kind words. I have been working with literally tens of thousands of pets over the last thirty years and I listen to what the feedback is from my readers. Some pets can do well on a complete raw food diet, but I have found that cooking a balanced stew is actually easier for their bodies to absorb, utilize and eliminate and enjoy. I cannot say enough great things about the stews. As far as kibble is concerned (or any commercial pet food) the best thing I can say is to throw them out. They are not what you believe they are. I would love to suggest that you start on my stew and see for yourself. Oh yes.. by the way.. my book is a very easy read and will open your eyes to so many wonderful things you can do for the ones you love. Keep us all posted! xoxo

  46. Hello! I am about to get cocker spaniel puppy. He is about 5 months old right now. I am researching the best food to give the puppy and I was wondering about cost and serving size. And also if I could make an abundance of this food and then freeze is for later use. Thanks!

    1. ABSOLUTELY! So, now get a copy of my book so that ALL your questions are answered. PLEASE start cooking for him. You and he will love the results and you’ll probably NEVER see the vet! Freeze excess and use each and every day! xoxo

  47. I was also wondering if you knew about ferrets. I know you posted about dogs and cats but I have ferrets also so I wanted to know if you know if this recipe could also be used for ferrets. I know they need a protein rich diet but after finding all this info about dog food I was wondering if I should switch their diet also.

    1. Hi Brigitte, Ferrets do great on the cat food recipe and the other vitamins found in my book. Keep us posted. YES… don’t trust any pet food maker to give your pets anything close to what you can make yourself.

  48. Hi Andi! I just got my puppy and made your stew last night. And I heard that you should give dry kibble with the stew so that he gets use to it and slowly transition him. And after he ate his meal this morning hes been regiratating. And having soft stool. I’m not sure what to do to help him. Thanks.

    1. Hi Brigitte, Anytime you change a pet’s diet.. some soft stool could occur. Please be aware that I DO NOT recommend any commercial pet foods, nor do I approve of using any dry food. Your sweet one will be fabulous on my stew alone forever.! Throw away the “pet” products and keep on cooking. He’ll be great! xoxo

  49. Hi Andi, firstly THANK YOU for writing this book, it gives me hope in face of an ailing pet & also equips me as a pet owner with many helpful tools.
    My 14-yr old Siamese mix cat had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer with liver & thyroid problems. His kidney & pancreas readings aren’t good too.
    You mentioned for ailing pets to just have the broth. Just to clarify, so no puree is to be given? Can he have the chicken from the stew?
    Also, do you know if milk thistle may help his liver? My vet says not to give any supplements including the fish oil as it may tax his liver, but I read that these are actually helpful rather than taxing.
    Much thanks for reading this. <3

    1. Hi Ruth, Thank YOU for your kind words. The book was written with so much love and has helped so many pets to live healthier and happier lives! I’m so sorry to hear this news about your sweet Siamese. The broth is given sometimes exclusively to help kick start the body and to not overwork the organs in the digestive process. If your cat is not eating.. then I would try the broth by itself. Otherwise, I would use the stew and all of it’s wonderful parts. Milk thistle is supposed to help detox. My guess is that the most important thing is to try to use the stew and or broth as the medicine. Food is what heals. Fish oils can be both good and bad. At this stage, I would concentrate on the stew and see if we can make some miracles. Please let us all know how it goes. Sending you love and hope that you can stop the progression with food. xoxoo Andi

  50. Thanks for providing this recipe. I have an 80 pound dog and was wondering what it would cost a week or cost a month to feed him 7-8 cups of food a day? Also, what is the preparation time for this recipe?

    I’m looking forward to getting your book as well. Thanks much.

    1. Hi Monique.. The preparation time for making the stew is about 1 1/2 hours of cooking/chopping. Deboning and storage (tupperware, etc.) is about a half hour. I don’t think that he would need 7-8 cups a day but maybe 5-6? But I can’t tell because all pets need different amounts. Depending on the activity levels, age, climate, etc. You will need to play with the recipe to find out what’s best for your big boy. As far as the cost.. it’s priceless to have a healthy dog with no vet bills. It is not any more costly to feed this diet than the premium foods now a days. Hope you’ll try it today!:) xoxo

    1. Garlic in small amounts has been found very useful for helping to boost the immune system. All of the holistic veterinarians I know – use it and recommend it. If you are uncomfortable using it, then it’s ok to eliminate it from the stew. There have been tens of thousands of dogs and cats that have responded beautifully with the ingredients in the stew. You have choices. It’s up to you! xoxo

  51. I have 2 Lhasa Apso/Pap (brothers, age 12 @ 16 & 10 lbs. & a rescue Terrior X @ 10 lbs age 2. Both brothers when we 1st got them wld not eat dry food so I concocted a meat loaf recipe consisting of ground turkey & hamburger, eggs, broccoli, carrots, peppers, string beans, zucchini, celery, sweet potatoes, apple, cheese & brown rice and cooked 90 min then prepared in smaller portions and freeze, thaw & take out for meals. Last week I took brothers in for their Rabies shot & had vet do blood work as a baseline for their age. Vet said their protein level is high; normal range is 17-27 (theirs is 28 & 31). Vet feels protein levels are too high & is concerned what is going on with their kidneys. He suggests slowing switching to Hills K/d or Purina NF & rechecking in 6-12 wks. My recipe: 10# of turkey, 2.5# hamburger,4 eggs, 2 c cheese & 2 c cooked brown rice, plus remaining ingredients. My recipe is a labor of love, am I killing my pets? Is my recipe not balanced enough or am I missing certain vitamins? They each get 1/3 c p.m.

    1. Hi Karen, You raise a VERY GOOD SET OF QUESTIONS HERE. I so appreciate your labor of love in cooking for these sweet boys. However… just because we make certain foods, does not make it balanced for their needs. Your meat loaf could be used once in a while, but obviously.. the numbers tell a story here. I don’t use or really recommend using rice. It’s always just a filler and does not provide them with any particular nutrition. I think that you are using too much meat for the formula. I would keep the meat to VEGGIES at about 50/50 and you won’t go wrong. I don’t like broccoli because it causes gasses, and peppers could be problematic. In my book I talk about the benefits of alkaline veggies. Green beans, celery, green peas, zucchini, squash and carrots. Those I have found to be the best. it’s not too late to bring their levels back to best, so please change the homemade food and definitely don’t get the commercial food. You will NEVER achieve the great levels of health on a commercial diet. Your vet is either trying to “sell” you more stuff, or is just not really comprehending how bad the commercial foods really are. Keep us all posted. I bet that if you stick to my stew recipe, that in 8 weeks they will have great numbers and be wayyyyyy healthier. xoxo

  52. I noticed that you do not add kelp to your website stew recipe but it is listed in the recipe in your book. Why is that? Do I need to worry about there being enough iodine?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Karen, Thanks for pointing out the difference. You have a good eye! I really love kelp, so I would definitely add it in if you have access to clean kelp. The stew is still amazing without it, but it adds a good touch to it. xox

  53. I discovered your website and recipes yesterday, September 8! I ordered your book but couldn’t wait for it to get here and made my first batch of Doc’s stew. It is now finished and ready to be batched up!
    This spring we got our first Shih Tzu/Bichon ever. She is lovely but extremely finicky about what she eats! After she was spayed she had red bumps along the scar line, I thought it was a reaction to her medication during surgery but the redness lingered. I quickly learned about allergies and skin disorders that Shih Tzu’s can endure! This morning her diet has changed forever! Thank You! I cannot wait for the book to arrive! I believe I have just intercepted what could have been a disasterous future for my little Coco!

    1. I am SO HAPPY for you and your little sweet one! You’ll probably never see the vet for any healthy problems and your little girl is about to look and smell and feel better than most any doggie on the planet! Keep up the great food and you’ll not need anything else! xoxo

  54. Hi Andi,
    I just stumbled across your book on Amazon and am ordering several copies so I can gift them to some friends with overweight dogs. I’ve been making home made food for my aging Gordon Setter just since January when his “sister” developed symptoms of CHF, I was able to give her the best quality food possible before she passed at age 13 yrs.
    Since then, our male Gordon has continued to eat this diet. He is trim (Gordons are rarely overweight) and has no issued with his joints. He goes to work with me where there are two other “office dogs” to run with in a securely fenced back lot. He runs circles around the overweight Lab that is half his age!

    My question is this…I use the E3 Live canine supplement of blue-green algae to supplement his food and was wondering what your thoughts were on this as a nutritional supplement containing all the omegas and a bunch of other nutrients.

    I am planning to convert to your stew recipe because the recipe I use now only yields small batches — 4 cups or so — and I’d rather make a larger batch and freeze…as I do for myself!
    I love that there is a website with recipes so I can direct my friends to see for themselves! I no longer feel like a “voice in the wilderness!” Bless you.

    1. Oh Cathleen, I’m so pleased to hear how well your Gordon is doing on your homemade food! (There’s never been an overweight dog on my program:) You’re an angel for helping your friend’s pets to live better and believe me, I know – what a “voice in the wilderness” feels like too:)!!
      Because I am always suspicious of “pet products” that are made commercially, I don’t recommend any of them on the market. In all fairness, I have had no personal experience with the Blue-green algae supplement you mention, nor am I familiar with the company. I always recommend that people buy products that are made for humans, but can be used for the pets… or better yet – to find the ingredients they want to use and combine them at home. I would research the company and find out where they are buying their ingredients and sources. One really never knows, because there are so many companies that lie about that kind of thing. If your sweet one is doing great and there are no issues.. then you may have found a great combination that works for him. Please do keep us all posted on what you find. It’s great to share wonderful news! Keep up the great work.. What a great Mom you are! xox

  55. I just got a Havanese puppy that is 9 weeks old. I have had trouble with him eating ever since I got him. They recommended feeding him baby food chicken and gravy until she started eating the dry food which was Royal Canine. I had to force feed him with a syringe for the first 2 weeks, It was very stressful. He is eating the dry a little now but he will only eat out of my hand or if I sit there with him a coax him. Anyway, I’ve been trying to research everything I can and want to feed him a healthy diet as I myself try to eat a whole foods diet.

    My question is I see you use garlic in your recipe and everything I have read says that garlic is toxic to dogs. Can you explain?

    1. Hi Mary Lou, My recipes have been used by tens of thousands of pets for over thirty years and all of the results/comments/changes are remarkable to say the least. Most every holistic veterinarian uses and recommends garlic in small proportions and I believe that in moderation, it is totally fine. HOWEVER… if you are uncomfortable with ANY ingredient in ANY way… you can feel free to eliminate it. You will still achieve WAY BETTER RESULTS than you would feeding ANY COMMERCIAL FOOD, and if you have my book, you will see that I never recommend any DRY FOOD because it causes so many health problems. You have choices. You shouldn’t have to “coach” a young dog to eat. Dry food is so anti nature and there is NOTHING I have found healthy about it. While there is nothing wrong with apples for humans, if you ate 20 of them you would wind up with a heck of a belly ache. Moderation in everything is the key. I hope for the health of the ones you love you will consider making his food. With or without the garlic! xox

  56. My dog is an 9 year old Akita and is about 20+ lbs overweight, per vet. She is being tested now for thyroid problems.. Is it to late to start her on your stew diet plan?

    1. Never too late to start the stew! Wait till you see the amazing changes that take place very quickly. There’s never been an overweight dog on my plan. The fillers in commercial pet foods are typically to blame. Getting a copy of my book will also be helpful. Start TODAY! xoxoxo

  57. Have just bought as many ingredients as I can, but have a couple of questions while I wait for my book to arrive… Can I throw in the meat chubs that I have previously been using as part of the meat quota, then add some chicken drumsticks and carcases to bump up the bone portion? Does the salmon go in bones and all? Salmon here is usually upwards of $30/kg but there are other very affordable varieties that you can buy with heads still in tact – is this good to use? We don’t have zucchini so is ok to put silverbeet in the stew instead? And one last thing which I guess is lost in translation – yellow squash? Is that referring to small pumpkins? Sorry for all the questions, but I’m super motivated to get my lovely old girl started on this to see if she will improve. We are off for our 2hour trip for her massage therapy but the slow cooker is being prepped as we speak! Thanks so much for your help Andi, I have renewed optimism 🙂

    1. Hi Jodie, as long as you don’t use anything deemed “pet grade” and use entirely human grade ingredients.. the meat is fine. Just remember to remove all the cooked bones before you feed the stew. I really love the benefits of salmon, but other fish are fine to use. Use your best judgement. (I think I would filet the fish though… those little bones could be a problem???). Not sure what silverbeet is but if it’s an alkaline veggie.. let’s try it:) Yellow squash like small pumpkin, but again… alkaline veggie substitute. Pumpkin, when and if used should only be in VERY small proportions. I am positive that a wonderful, freshly made homemade diet (as close to my recipe as possible) will turn your sweet one around in no time. She is lucky to have you and keep us posted on your progress. (Sorry I don’t know your veggies either:( xoxox Andi

      1. Hi, Andi. Silverbeet is what we know as swiss chard. Given that you recommended against spinach or kale, and swiss chard is usually stronger in flavor, it probably is not a good idea. Jodie – the yellow squash that Andi is referring to is a summer squash similar to a zucchini, only yellow in color. Hope this helps.

  58. Hi Andi, thank you so much for your amazing book and website. I make both of my dogs food and supps with your recipes. I just had one question….when cooking the Doc’s stew, do you put the whole chicken in raw, or do you cook it first?

  59. I would like to make your stew using beef, I have found a good source of grass fed chuck roast – would that be a good choice? Or is it better just to use ground meat?
    The same company makes ground beef in 80/20, 85/15 or 93/7.
    Thank you!

  60. Hii!

    I am new at feeding my dogs homemade dog food. Last night I cooked up my first batch after doing a ton of research. Unfortunatly I found your recipe after making my food already. I had some questions as far as portions of veggies fruits protien and grains go. I like to make a months worth for my 2 basenjis (feeding them twice a day). I bought ten pounds of chicken thighs deboned and boiled them with squash and sweet potatoes then added carrots and beans and apples and blueberries. I blended all of these together after and added the shredded chicken to the batch. Then I boiled about 8 cups of oat meat and added half of that. I added very little sardines (for calcium and omegas but not much). I then seperated the batch into two- one with grinded up chicken bones in a liquid form to give the vitamins and calcium from them and one without(so I can add salmon to once a week without giving to much vitamins found in bones). However, I am still concerned with them getting enough of the vitamins and minerals they need. Therefore upon feeding Iv been adding some plain yogurt, eggs and and powder vitamin supplement seperately. Only alittle bit (not even a teaspoon) for I am scared to over supplement. Can you recommend proper portion sizes for all and even ways to ensure they are getting enough of the nutrients they need?? I don’t want to under supplement either. I also read that frozen foods decrease in there nutrients so it is also best to add the extra powder supplement. My main concern is also calcium!! Any thoughts on my batch and what I can do to improve it would be greatly appreciated. Also any recepies that make about a months full of food would be helpful with proper proportion sizes.
    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Jenn, You pose some very good questions and I think that you are doing a pretty good job with your food choices. All pets have different nutritional needs. Supplement according to what they may be lacking in the diet. As far as the “amounts” to feed.. you have to determine how much to offer. This depends on your pet’s age, weight, activity level and even climate. (Pets tend to eat more in the winter than the summer:) My book goes into great depth on just about everything you need t know. I would only suggest that you don’t offer too much fruit, and also not to mix fruit into your stew with meat. (Fruit ferments and could cause some issues). I do believe that if you follow my recipe for homemade stew that you will have enough of what your sweet ones need to be healthy. I like cooking EVERYTHING together so that they get the benefit of the broth. (All the nutrients are found in the healthy broth, and I include the bones for calcium). You’ve got a great start. Again.. my book will help a lot and it’s a fun read. (I’ve been told). Keep up the great work and keep us posted on your success. xox

  61. I’m curious why you object to pork. All of the meats available in the supermarket (except for some organic) have issues of contamination, antibiotics, high omega 6s and unnatural diets. Why is pork singled out?

    When I have fed Spot’s stew, I always cooked the meat separately because I cook large quantities of it at once. I puree the stew and ladle it over the cooked meat. It goes bad quickly, so I freeze it in small batches and take out a container every day or two. I will try the Doc’s stew this evening, but again, I’ve already got cooked meat, so I will do it with liver and gizzards, but no muscle meat and puree the whole thing. One of the meats I have cooked is a boneless pork loin that was on sale very inexpensively (less than $2 a pound). Mostly I feed chicken (whole or thighs or gizzards) or beef. The beef is ground “pet food” from a local processor that creates a mix of 60% ground beef, 10% liver, and 20% other organs. The organs are basically anything from the steer that can go through the grinder, so would include lungs, esophagus and other stuff. I feed that raw. They also sell ground tripe, which is quite stinky and I feed that raw as well. I usually give about one can of salmon a week, and I get a ground mix from a different supplier that includes chicken breast, necks, gizzards and livers, and I usually feed that once or twice a week.

    If I add animal bones to the Doc stew, will that be sufficient to provide calcium or is the calcium in the salmon and ground chicken mix sufficient for the dogs. I feed two grown collies, but have fed more than that previously. I am returning to your recipe because I have been dealing with a chronic on again, off again issue with loose stools. Stool check was negative.

    1. hi Marguerite, I only object to pork because it is more difficult to digest than poultry or fish. The purpose of cooking all of it together is so that the broth captures all of the nutrients and seems to help disburse it all evenly. I believe that cooking it all together is the best way, but to save time or if it makes your life easier… than by all means.. do what you are able to do. The proof is in the pudding. If it’s working for you.. then keep on going. HOWEVER… if you are getting chronic loose stool… you may want to work a little closer to my own recipes and see how that goes for a while. I believe that the bones add a good source of calcium. Keep notes, use my journal and thanks for sharing what you do! xoxo

      1. I had departed from your recipes and my dogs did well for quite a while, but they are in a somewhat stressful situation and I think that is playing a role in their on again off again diarrhea. One notable thing is that there are large amounts of mucus in the diarrhea. I am hoping that optimizing the nutrition will help their digestive issues.

        Thanks for such a quick response to my questions.

  62. Hello,

    You don’t mention what to do with the chicken skin once it has been cooked – do you throw it away with the bones, or do you process it along with the meat and veggies? Thank you.

    1. Hi, use the skin. Remember we are doing WHOLE-ISTIC food. If your pets were out in the wild, they would eat the skin, bones, organs and even a bit of feathers too! xoxo

  63. I did buy your book and am very excited about your 8 week program! I have 4 cats and 2 dogs and all are being put on it. I tell you Andi..I may just put myself on it as well; with variations of course..but everything that applies to them also applies to me! Ok the stew is cooking as we speak. THe recipe in your book calls for a 2 1/2 lb chicken. I ended up buying a 4 1/2 lb Smart Chicken and doubled the recipe except for the water. I bought the 10 qt stainless stock pot (I could not believe how inexpensive they were! ($6.99 at Walmart) so could put in total of 13 quarts of water with the other ingredients. I see that your new recipe calls for about 1/2 of the water as the one in your book. So am a little confused. I will make up portions for my cats and then add the Barley Flakes and rolled oats for the dog food. Where my confusion lies is the amount of water especially after looking at your new updated recipe above? Am I correct in assuming the amount of water can be quite variable and is mostly dependent upon the consistency that our pets prefer? I got Bob’s Red Mill Barley Flakes Rolled Hot Cereal for the whole grain for the dogs portion of this recipe. I thought I had rolled oats at home but just have steel cut oats so can that be used or should I just add the Barley? Boy it smells good cooking!!! ! Can’t wait to try it. I will write you a testimonial if it works well for me! Thank you for your book and this page as follow up support!

  64. Forgot to mention..there was no neck or liver, heart or gizzard with my chicken!! I guess those go in the By-product bucket now!! I couldn’t believe it!

  65. One last your book you call for 1/4 cup garlic (which I doubled for my pot that is cooking since I doubled everything due to the bigger (4 1/2 lb) chicken!) since your recipe called for a 2 1/2 lb chicken. I used a whole garlic,probably about 10 or 12 cloves. I notice in your recipe above you only call for 2 cloves? Dang do I need to pull those cloves out if I can find them? For the amount of stew there is going to be it still is a small amount but I do not want to make them sick either?

    1. The garlic is just fine. I use at least a full clove (not a head, but a clove) for my dog every day. The amount you are using is very small in comparison to the whole stew. You’ve got it all going well. xoxo

  66. I will add one more thing since you haven’t answered me yet. The stew is fine; although the additional garlic maybe why I have 3 cats that have not eaten it yet. I haven’t given in and fed them another food yet,but we are on day 3 of their hunger strike! I have 4 house cats, 2 dogs and one stray outside cat that I am feeding. The cat that I thought would take right 2 on a hunger strike and snubs her nose a it when I put it down. I leave it down for 30 minutes then back in the refer it goes. My cat that I thought would be the trouble maker because he prefer only kibble..well he is eating it as is the outside cat. Both dogs love it. How long is it safe to go? Today I cooked a piece of liver and put it on top but that didn’t do it either. thanks in advance. Am going back to your book to see if my question is answered in there!

  67. I have A 14 year old Pyrenees and a 3 year old border collie/Pyrenees both weighing about 95 lbs each. The border pyre is allergic to chicken, turkey, duck, beef and bison as well as eggs and dairy. I know you stated you feel many of these allergies are not true allergies based on the feeling most dogs are sensitive to the commercial versions of these proteins instead of quality-raised organic versions. My dog is definitely allergic to the quality organic versions we’ve tried. His allergies manifest as both digestive distress and severe skin reactions that take many weeks to recover from.
    We have been using a limited ingredient fish and sweet potato dog food with success but I would like to take it a step further and create an even healthier homemade version. Do you have any recommendations on adapting this recipe using only fish – perhaps a combination of wild caught white fish and salmon?
    Many thanks!

    1. Hi Nancy, you already know that I believe it is a “sensitivity” to the low quality commercial ingredients in pet food. Funny, I have found that some pets are actually sensitive to sweet potatoes and will be suggesting that people take it out of the recipe altogether. However, if you have been using fish with success.. just follow the format of the turkey/chicken versions and replace it with perhaps cod and salmon. I would lower the amount of fish you use a bit, so maybe try 35% fish and the rest… veggies. (Please use the veggies in my recipe for stew). Sometimes people make the mistake of using things like broccoli or cauliflower which creates gas in the system! Keep us posted on your success! You’re a great Mom for making those big boy food dishes:) xoxox

  68. I found Andi by accident and now my dog is so healthy, and a little fatter though, but i am so thrilled he has no more allergies or allergic reactions to that commercially prepared food i switched food every three months before the Whole Pet Diet. I give my guy also the EFA oils very good for his skin and coat. Love Andi and brag about the Whole pet diet to everyone!!! Thanks Andi

    1. PS Also we eat his food as much as he does, so i make his fresh twice a week, for me and my husband save the broth and some veggies for us.. we’ll all a little healthier thanks to Andi Brown

    2. How wonderful Eleanor! I’m so glad that your sweet one is so healthy. You might be mistaking his hunger with his enthusiasm for wonderful food though. Perhaps you want to try using a little less food every day. He should be trim and slim. Or… perhaps switch to the cat food recipe (it’s less calories because it does not have grains… I bet he’ll slim down in no time!) xox Thanks for your kind words and sharing your story! – Andi

  69. I’m so glad I found you! I am cooking the first batch of stew as I type and I am so excited for my babies! My teenage daughter and I have two Shiba Inu”s, Stormy and Patchouli. Stormy is young and fairly healthy but Chou is a little older and she has the most horrific skin problems I have seen! I have been treating her with organic pure peppermint oil mixed in coconut oil after washing her thoroughly in an organic peppermint shampoo. It’s relieved some of the itch but it only treats the symptoms. Her underlying issue is food. I have purchased some of the most expensive food on the market in an attempt to irradicate her allergy issues but to no avail. Some will work for a short time but then we go right back where we started from. We recently moved to the mountains and the air quality has not only helped our allergies but the dogs as well. We are walking more as opposed to just opening the door and letting them out…good for all of us! And we only drink spring water from a local spring. Your recipe sounds like the perfect solution to our puppie’s problems and it was surprisingly cheaper then purchasing some of the mid-level priced dog foods. They have been circling the stove all morning. I think they know what’s coming. I’m so excited for them…I intend to purchase your book soon. Thank you!

    1. Hi Rebecca… Skin problems are a thing of the past and wait till you see what else the stew makes happen! You have some lucky pups and you and your daughter sound like you’re all on the path to glorious great health! Keep cooking and keep up the great walk/work! xox

  70. Andi,
    I have a year old Maltese. A few months ago she had to have three huge Bladder stones taken out. Now the vet has her on some food she HATES! Can she go on the stew? I am so worried we will have stones again but she is not a happy girl eating the food the vet is asking her to eat Willing to do anything. Just ordered your book!

    1. Hi Bardie, Your sweet maltese will do beautifully on the stew, and guaranteed to love it. I urge you to begin immediately. (I would probably use the cat food version this time around. It has no grains and will be able to digest and absorb a bit easier than the version for the dogs.) She will love it and you’ll love the great health and no more vet visits for problems due to commercial pet foods. Glad you got the book, which will be really helpful. No reason to not begin to cook this weekend. Keep us posted! xoxoxo

  71. Do I really need to blend into puree? My little boy is not very fond of anything blended every since I fed him chicken and rice (because of diarrhea). He won’t touch honest kitchen and even started ignoring Stella’s and Kitchen freeze dried that he used to love. I have to trick him but mixing chicken and some carrots into whatever I am feeding him so he will eat them. Even doing that, there will still be some leftovers (usually the re-hydrated freeze dried food).


  72. I’ve been cooking home meals for my 6 year old poodle mix for about two years. Lenny came to me as a rescue; and, I did not know about all the health issues that he came with until about a month later…..seizures, anxiety, allergies, ear infections, cataracts, a congenital back problem. I found your book when I was exploring options about how to help him. I’ve been preparing and serving only the stew. Since I’ve been serving him the chicken stew, many of his problems have regressed.

    My only concern is that, most recently, he has been refusing to eat. He seems to object to the added supplements. I tried and experiment and fed him only the food ( without supplements) for three days and he’s happily eating. I want him to enjoy his food and be healthy.

    I know that you don’t seem to subscribe to using commercial vitamins. What to do? Lenny dropped quite a bit of weight when he was refusing to eat; and, that was stressful to me and him. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Delores, It’s hard to know what his “objections” may be. You are making his vitamins from my book? Perhaps you are now adding too much and he doesn’t need as much as he did before. You must ask yourself.. “what changed” since he stopped taking the vitamins. Are you using a new brand of one of the ingredients? Is it a stronger taste or smell? (Taste it yourself.. sometimes vitamins are very bitter. See how it feels on your own tongue). Many times companies change their sources of ingredients. I would first taste it all yourself. If it seems ok, then just back off of the dosage. Remember that HIS FOOD is his MEDICINE now. You may have been giving him more during the chronic problems and now you might want to back off while his body has responded positively! xoox

      1. Thanks, Andi, for your quick response and sage advice. Yes, the vitamins are from your book (I made a substantial batch) and Lenny must be communicating a preference at this time. I’ve read your book a number of times and have looked at some of your videos. I’m guessing that I need to integrate…..for real…..that your recipes are “human-grade,”in other words, you wouldn’t feed your dog or cat something that you would not eat. This concept, then, goes hand in hand with also listening to our familiars. A partnership, indeed.

  73. Hi Andi. I just ordered your book and Ir really excited. I want to start making the stew asap, because my dog suffers from itchy skin and chronic ear infections. I have a few questions. You mentioned in one of your posts that you will probably be eliminating the sweet potatoes, should I exclude them from the stew? I have also been told carrots are high in sugar, can I decrease the quantity? I’m very worried that my dog will have loose stools with this new diet, as in the past. Should I continue to feed her the dry food and gradually add the stew in slowly?


    1. Hi Liz, GREAT questions! Most pets do just fine with the sweet potatoes, but let’s eliminate them for the moment. You can add them back in later on if you like. Carrots provide wonderful amounts of carbs and they are needed for energy. I see nothing wrong with the amount suggested. Most pets don’t have digestive problems when they switch “cold turkey”, but if your sweet one has a sensitive tummy, then by all means.. you can take 3-4 days to make the switch. It almost doesn’t matter, because if he is used to dry food – the loose stools could go on for that many days, regardless of how you introduce the new food. I would switch him when you are home to make sure he can relieve himself as needed. You be the judge. You are the healer now:)I now he’s going to do beautifully on the new diet. You should see everything clear up beautifully in a very short time. Your sweet pup is a very lucky boy. Keep us all posted on your success! xoxo

  74. I have a cat with diabetes. I was told since they are obligate carnivores that cats should not eat ANY vegetables.

    1. Hi Kimmi, Cats are obligate carnivores. You are absolutely right. That means that they should eat plenty of meat and NEED lots of veggies to help their bodies process the food correctly. If you only fed your cat meat.. it could lead to horrible kidney problems. Please always balance the meals the way that nature intended! (Get a copy of my book which explains it all). By the way.. I do not recommend ANY commercial/store bought cat foods, but most of them do contain veggies! (Not necessarily the good kind, either) The worst possible thing that you can give a cat with diabetes is grains. NO GRAINS xox

  75. I was wondering if there would be anything extra I would need to add to this for a puppy? I am getting a Great Dane puppy and would like to help him live as long as possible since they don’t have a very long life span. Thanks!

    1. Hi Alisha.. Food is the foundation of life for the puppy into adulthood. I do believe that supplements should be given according to the individual pet’s needs. In your case.. strong bones, ligaments and joints. Vitamin C is crucial, and/but my book also talks about the benefits of all the other vitamins. Maybe time to get a copy of my book to help your sweet pup into adulthood and senior living joyfully! xoxo

  76. Hi Andi, I came across your recipe for Doc’s Stew a few weeks ago. I was already feeding Wendy our Beagle/dachshund mix organic chicken and veggies. I have already come to the conclusion commercial dog food is a big problem. My ten year old pug has suffered from allergies and yeast infections for years. After adopting Wendy from a shelter and seeing some of the same issues I decided to stop buying commercial dog food. However, I knew just chicken and veggies wasn’t giving her the proper nutrition. I have just finished using the first batch of Doc’s Stew and have some questions before I make the next batch. The 12 oz of rolled oats is that by weight or 1 1/2 cups of rolled oats. I went by weight the first time. I also added more water than I should have. Through out the entire first batch Wendy actually seemed constipated which has never been a problem in the 3 years that we have had her. The last two days of Doc’s Stew I added just a few of mixed stem in the bag veggies and that fixed her constipation. I do intend to purchase your book, just hoping to get a response before I cook the next batch.

    Thanks, Denise

    1. Hi Denise.. what lucky pups you have to be making their food and keeping them healthy! I would use the 12 ounces of oats and since all veggies have different amounts of moisture/water…(seasonally.. sometimes they are dry or moist, depending on the area they grow in) – you have to play the water portion by your senses. Adding a few more veggies can’t ever hurt.. but I’m guessing that it just took a few more days for her body to adjust. Remember that every pet is a bit different as they respond to the new food. You’re doing GREAT! Let your own senses guide you! Do keep us posted on your babies! And my book will help you keep track of all that works xox

  77. Andi, I have two adult yorkies, one of which is plagued with yeast. I have been fighting it for years! I’ve been home cooking for about a year now, and always on the lookout for new recipes. The Doc’s Stew looks like something the “picky boys” would like, but I need to substitute some of the starchy veggies and other carbs for something that was less carb filled. Also, neither will touch salmon in any way, shape, or form (did I mention they are PICKY?). Everything else looks like a go, so what do you suggest for substitutes?

    1. I suggest making the stew for cats. I would not be concerned with the veggies,(and they are carefully chosen for their extreme nutritional benefits), but I would eliminate the sweet potato. You can forgo the salmon, and substitute with more chicken. I REALLY love the salmon though, and I think that the “fish” taste is masked with the other ingredients. You should not be fighting any chronic problems is you have the right recipe. Let us know how it goes for the new year! xox

  78. I desperately want to get my dog and cats off of commercial kibble and this year I grew my own pastured poultry. I have made the recipe twice and the problem I have is that when I feed any more than a quarter of a cup to my dog (80lb rough collie), he gets terrible diarrhea. Any suggestions or maybe reasons as to why this could be. His kibble is a premium grain-free poultry based (Acana) and I add it slowly to acclimate him. Maybe I should add the oats? To cut the protein a little more? Thank you! PS I do have your book 🙂 and have shared it with my family.

    1. Hi Mary-Lyn, Welcome to the New Year and a new way of taking care of your Collie. I suggest that you ditch the commercial kibble and stick with my recipe exactly as it is written. It should not take more than a day or two for your pup to adjust and there should not be any digestive issues. As you may or may not know – I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANY COMMERCIAL PET FOODS. They are generally the root of all the problems. I don’t care if you think you have a great pet food. There is not a pet food in the world that can compare to what we can make ourselves. I hope you’ll make the switch and try the best that there is for the one that you love xoxoxo Andi

  79. Hi Andi –

    thank you so much for your helpful and informative book. I’ve learned a great deal from reading it.

    I have a young red lab that I adopted this past June (2014). She is my 4th lab (not all at once!). I purchased your book immediately after she came to live with us. I have been following your recipes and recommendations to the letter and am seeing wonderful results. She loves the stews and the EFAs. I also include Dr. Pitcairn’s Healthy Powder with her meals.

    I so appreciate your book and all the wonderful and helpful information in it. My sweet puppy thanks you too!

    Laura P

    1. Happy New Year Laura and your very lucky Lab! I’m so glad that your pup loves the stew and that she’s going to be vibrantly healthy for the rest of her life! Keep up the great work and keep us posted on your success! xoxo Andi

    1. Hi Tania, i’m thrilled you’re beginning the stew for your sweet one. You may omit anything you’re not comfortable about giving, but all the holistic veterinarians I know – use and recommend small amounts of garlic as a way to achieve better health for pets. Here is a link that talks about the benefits of garlic in a pet’s food. Keep in mind that anything in excess could potentially harm a being. (i.e: too much protein or too many carbs or chemicals, etc.) I believe that garlic is certainly beneficial in the amounts that I suggest. Hope this helps and do keep us posted on your success!

  80. Hi Andi me and my family just adopted a puppy from our local APL and i wanted to switch her over to your diet. The problem i’m having is that we don’t have a large income being a family of 7 now 8 with the puppy. I want to use the chickens that we raised and slaughtered but since we weren’t planning on a puppy they don’t have the liver. Is their anyway for me to cut costs? Also is there a place i could buy just the liver of a chicken? Thanks for your help!

    1. Hi Heidi, I often recommend that dogs should get the cat food if they are really in bad shape. The cat food is the same recipe as the dog food, but without the grains. Cats should NEVER have grains. Leave the skin on the fish and the chicken and that’s the healthiest way to go! xox

  81. Hi! I love your recipe and feed it to 2 of my dogs. However I have a total of 15 dogs, ranging in size from medium to extra large. Most are high energy hunting dogs. Do you have any ideas on bulk dog food making. I would prefer to not spend everyday making dog food and I’m on a budget as well!!

    1. Hi Mary, WOW.. there seems to be no budget when it comes to feeding 15 dogs! As far as bulk food….. hmmmmmmm… four pots on the stove? I’m sorry but I have no ideas at the moment. I will be coming out with a new book, though. It will be QUICK and easy recipes that are healthy and great for the pets. I hope that you’ll continue to give your pack the extra food somehow. xoxo

  82. My 6 year old, 80 pound Lab/Shepherd mix is suffering from countless fatty tumors. One has rapidly grown as large as a tennis ball and has been aspirated by our veterinarian, who confirmed it was benign and recommended surgery. He has a wonderful disposition and the tumors don’t appear to be hindering his mobility; he is as active as ever! We just want to save his life. I will begin assimilating this food into his current diet and get him off commercial dog food. This was a great find! Thank you!

    1. Hi Dion, So glad that the tumors are benign. It could be a wake up call for you to start making the food! Bravo to you for taking his health into your own hands. You won’t be disappointed! xoxo

  83. ANDI: I agree homemade is better and that cats don’t need grains, but (as per your comments) why do they, obligate carnivores, “NEED” lots of veggies in order to help their bodies process the food correctly? That is not part of their “wild” diet, except, maybe, a little grass. They mainly eat muscle and organ meat, bones, skin and feathers.

    1. The special veggies in my stew are designed to not only provide the body with the ability to process the food through the organs but also to provide all the necessary minerals and vitamins that they need. In addition, any cat eating only meat will likely develop kidney and urinary tract problems which is the worst thing that they can probably get.

    1. I believe that cooked food agrees more easily for most dogs. Raw diets are not the best choice for the majority of dogs because the cooking helps the to break down the enzymes and their bodies have an easier time assimilating the nutrients. Never cook vitamins. Add them in as you serve the food.

  84. I am very excited to try your recipe this upcoming week for my 2 dogs and 2 cats. One of my cats had horrible digestion problems as a kitten and I would make him chicken and sweet potato meals for months until he healed. During that time I noticed his teeth had a lot of build up and his gums were red and inflamed. When he had healed I switched to dry foods and his gums became healthy looking again with regular coloring.

    I am worried that the softness of these meals will cause the gums on my furry children to flare up and the tartar to build. Has this been an issue and is there a way to combat build up on the teeth?

    Thank you for the recipe!

    1. One of the best ways to keep your dog’s teeth clean is to offer them raw, soup or knuckle bones. They gnaw on them and clean their own teeth. For cats, it’s great to give raw chicken neck vertabrae. Another way to help the teeth is to take your finger nail and work from the gum line and actually pluck the plaque from each tooth gently. Anitra Frazier offers the step by step protocol in her book, “The New Natural Cat”. With a little practice – your pets will all have great healthy mouths. One of the other things about my stew is that there are wonderful enzymes in the broth that we feed them from the Doc’s Stew recipe. Healthy from the mouth to the tail. Keep us posted on your success! xo

  85. Hi Andi! My sweet 6 month old Shar Pei loves the stew I make and inhaled it every time. The problem I’m having is that the whole pot is only lasting me around 3 days. She weighs close to 37 lbs. I give her 4 cups a day

    1. Hi April, So glad she loves it. Don’t mistake “loving” it, for “hunger! We need to figure out what her body really needs. BUT.. a GROWING pup is in need of more than a dog that is fully grown. The whole body is developing and she needs fuel to make her strong. What is her ideal weight and how much exercise is she getting? I must admit that when I make my stews.. I make 4 pots on the stove at a time. I think you may need a bigger pot or several of them. Once she is really developed.. we can get into some other recipes that are quick and easy to make and less costly. I’ll try to keep you posted, but I may be writing a new book to share all kinds of other recipes. There’s lots more we can do for the sweet girl. I hope you have my book, because its got other recipes you can make too! You’re a great MOM. Keep going! xox

  86. Hi Andi,

    I am making your Doc’s Stew now for my 19 year old cat and 12 year old rescue dog. Do you happen to know how many calories are in each serving (assuming a serving is 4 oz.)? Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi, It’s “roughly” 25 – 55 calories per ounce! (Depending on which recipe you use). But don’t be too concerned with calories. There are nutrients that the body uses and your kids will either slim down naturally or get a little bulkier if need be. You will have to judge just how much to feed for their age, climate and activity level.

  87. Hi Andi,
    I have a 9 year old Lab and a 1 year old Golden. I have been making your stew for over a year for them since my Golden died of a hemangiosarcoma. My vet is concerned about the calicium/phos ratio in the food. Is it ok or should I be adding a supplement?

    1. Hi Sue,
      As long as you are making the food in my book or on the website… it has all the balanced nutrients to keep your sweet ones healthy for their whole lives. Aren’t they looking and feeling amazing? xoxo

  88. My half-grown (9 mos old) female “wee grey beastie” (AKA Wisp) is a real garbage gut. She’s not overweight, but would be if I fed her the amount she wants. She was a stray, obviously starving when she wandered up into the back yard 3 mos ago. (Her age is per her vet.) Vet also said she may well be mentally scarred by her early experience with starvation. She inhales whatever you put in her food bowl. Should I be feeding lesser amounts more often? She’s getting 3/4 cup twice a day, but starts crying about 2 hrs before mealtime. Is this “normal” behavior?

    1. Hi there… pets that have been eating poor quality commercial foods are typically hungry because there is so little nutritional value in most of the foods out there. Her organs have probably been starving for real food. Since I don’t know what kind of dog she is, or how much she’s hard to determine what she should be eating. Many pets seem ravenous at first when they are given the stew.. and then their bodies seem to settle down when satisfied. I would definitely monitor her weight and give her more food. It will help to keep her calm and give her a sense of security as well. You will both find the exact right amount for her age (growing pets need more), her lifestyle (pets that are active also need more) and her needs in general. Unless she gains an unusual amount of weight – I would feed her more right now. You’re a great Mom for caring. xoxo

  89. Do you recommend this recipe for puppies? I have a three month old Yorkie and want to feed him the healthiest food I can while making sure he gets the necessary nutrients for growth and development.
    My last furbaby unfortunately died of cancer and I just wish I would have known about your incredible book because someone I know uses it and has seen a dog recover from cancer just by following the recipes. That is why I want to feed my new baby this wholesome diet!

    1. Hi Stephanie… YES PLEASE start feeding your Yorkie the healthiest food in the world. I know that it’s the very best thing you can do. You have a very lucky little pup! xoxo

  90. Hi Andi

    If I don’t want to use turkey/chicken/beef is it ok to use more fish and maybe eggs? Our family is vegan and the thought of cooking and egg and fish is hard on my heart, let alone a chicken/turkey/cow.

    Right now he is eating salmon and sardines along with quinoa, peas, veggies including sweet taters and squash.

    Thank you!!!

    1. Hi Michelle, I do understand your heart, but i hope that you’ll consider using the ingredients that are really better for your dog’s health. We want to find a proper balance in the ingredients that we feed to them. I’m not sure that the salmon and sardines isn’t giving too much oil or fat and poultry as the main part of the diet seems to be the best choice of all. Perhaps you could enlist the help of a friend to combine the ingredients of the stew, so you know that what your pup is getting is as healthy for him as it is for your human family to be vegan. I guess you will have to decide what you can and cannot do. Sorry. (Salmon as a part of the diet is just great, but I would not use solely fish as the protein). xox

  91. I never came back to let you know how things worked out.

    My two collies had been experiencing chronic intermittent diarrhea for about two months and nothing I had tried worked. I came across this recipe and tried it. Within about 36 hours, my dogs had normal stools again. Appetites were good, weight was gained, coats were lush and vibrant.

    I made some minor changes to accommodate foods available to me here. I use a whole can of wild salmon instead of a fresh filet. I use it bones, skin and all. I have access to a variety of meats and make use of them. I mostly use chicken hearts and giblets, but also use chicken thighs, ground tripe, ground beef that is made for dogs and contains organ meats as well as muscle meats, including about 10% liver and whatever I can get at a good price at the farmer’s market.

    I can find almost all the veggies in frozen form at local supermarkets and generally for less than they cost fresh. I sometimes add something called pet pack, which is available at my farmer’s market from a poultry guy. It contains breast meat, hearts, gizzards, livers and necks.

    I’ll stretch things a bit with a slurry of rice and water. I’ve noticed more than once that one or another of my dogs will throw up undigested rice 8 – 12 hours after being fed. The slurry is just rice and water which is buzzed with a stick blender. More easily digested, apparently, as they no longer vomit undigested rice.

    I really want to thank you for this recipe and the guidance you provide. Feeding like this seems to be exactly what my dogs needed.

    1. You’ve made my heart so very happy to know how well your dogs have become! Keep up the great work and do spread the good news. Thank you so much for keeping me in the loop. Sending hugs xoxox

  92. Hi Andi
    I wanted to ask if I can only find Vit C without rosehip could I add 3 cups of homemade rose hip tea for the broth and then 3 cups of spring water? I make medicinal tea from leaves nothing added so was wondering if I can do that. Also Im in South Africa and cant buy yr book Amazon doesnt ship here. My kitty is struggling with a cold for months now he is a norwegian forest cat – big boy about 8 kilograms how much vit c could I start him with? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Aliyah, Yes, please use the Vitamin C without the rose hips. It will be fine. I would use about 500 mg. of vitamin c a day and see how he does. I do want to encourage you to make the stew that’s on my website. Without great food… you generally cannot achieve great health. Please make the stew and watch the miracles happen. I am surprised to hear that Amazon will not ship to South Africa. I have a very dear friend (and holistic pet healer) who lives there and I believe she got the book from them several years ago. xox

  93. Hi Andi

    I’m wondering if this is ok to feed a brand new puppy that I will be getting. He will be 8 weeks when I get him and he is a Shar Pei

    1. Hi April.. YES DEFINITELY start your baby right away. Never too soon to eat healthy. Thanks. Sorry I didn’t answer sooner. I missed your post! xoxo

    1. I like to suggest that it gets mashed or pureed to some degree. It ensures that they won’t pick out the peas, or leave anything in the bowl. If your dog will eat all that’s in the plate, then there’s no need to puree. Just enjoy! xoxo Andi

  94. Oooh I’m so glad I found your website. My little Pineki has never eaten dog food since we got him at six weeks old. I’ve diligently cooked every meal…but he was eating quite a limited diet because he was getting very picky because I think he was BORED with what I gave him. I gave a variety but never at the same meal. I made this stew tonight and he watched with rapt attention and DEVOURED his first bowl! I am so pleased to know have almost two weeks worth of his stew in the refrigerator and freezer. Definitely going to be a happy little camper at mealtimes again!!

  95. Hi there. This recipe worked for my 7yo Ragdoll cat George, who has IBD. Up until 6 months ago he was a dried food addict. When he was diagnosed with IBD after a traumatic biopsy, I took him off the dry food. I have poured all my love, patience and money into getting him better for 6 months this year but the food thing has been an ordeal. Actually it has been a nightmare. My whole life has been revolving around trying to get him to eat well without conceding defeat and going back to dry. He just won’t eat raw (I have tried everything – my other cat has transitioned fine) and the best I’ve managed to get him to eat consistently is grain free shredded chicken in a can with a splash of homemade bone broth. So, I Googled home made chicken casserole for cats thinking if I could create a healthier canned style food he may just like it. I found your site, I did the shopping and cooked up the casserole in the slow cooker all the while thinking ‘there is no way he will eat this…. more good food and money down the drain!’. BUT…To my sheer delight and utter surprise he has been devouring this food. I can’t even begin to tell you how much relief this has brought to us both. I am thrilled beyond words!!! Now George and I have this food, his naturopathic routine and a lot more hope. (He has gained 200gm since starting this casserole.) Thank you. PS. when it was cooked, I set aside about half the chicken meat, blended the liquid & veges and the remaining half of the chicken bits, then poured the mix into cans and topped with chunks of chicken then froze. Just like store-bought only fresh and healthy 🙂

    1. I’m so very happy that you have found the right combination. Keep on going and for years to come you will see your sweet ones continue to blossom with great health! Spread the news, please. There is nothing healthier than the stews for the ones you love. PS: If you go to Amazon and write a review of the book and or the recipe, you’ll also be helping SO MANY PETS to live better lives.
      THANK YOU for making my day healthier and happier too! xoxo Andi

  96. Hi, I have a 3 year old Shih Tzu who has been diagnosed with a lot of food allergies, only meat he can eat are pork and lamb, he is allergic to all fish as well as wheat, carrots corn and all the usual culprits, the vet did the blood tests for the allergies, he eats the best dog food dry available he was doing ok but allergies have now flared up again, I want to change him to home cooking but because I am so limited to what he can eat I am at a loss as to where to start, any help would be great thanks

    1. Hi Tamara. I believe that what your dog is “allergic” to is really the poor quality ingredients found in commercial pet foods. Dry food is such a bad choice, because it’s so highly processed and contains tons of fillers. It bears no resemblance to a real, natural, home cooked diet – made with human grade ingredients. PLEASE try my stew TODAY. Your dog will respond beautifully to it. TENS OF THOUSANDS of dogs diagnosed with the same thing have turned around in a very short time. There is no BEST dry dog food. Sorry. It’s true. Thirty years of helping pets to be healthy. These fans of my book can’t be all wrong:) Have faith. I have nothing to gain by sharing this with you, except my peace of mind. xoxo Andi

  97. Thank you Andi for this amazing book and sharing all of your wisdom. It is incredibly liberating and empowering to take my pet’s health into my own hands with your guidance. Question: I just made the Chicken Stew for my cat (book recipe, not update above) and felt that if I included all of the broth in the puree it would have been much too liquidy, yet I didn’t want to throw the broth away because it is so chock full of nutrients. What do you recommend? Would a pet drink the pure broth in addition to daily water?

    Thank you!

    1. Terrific question Janice. I love how you’re thinking! The broth is very special and it’s so filled with nutrients. Some cats love lapping up the broth by itself, and others really are not “that interested”. Two suggestions… Use less water in the stew. Now I make a batch and a half and only use about 6 cups of water. It helps keep it thick and full of great aroma! Happy healthy new year. Keep up the great work. xoxo Andi

  98. Hi Andi – I am so excited I found your website and am looking forward to making your stew for my 2 dogs and 1 cat. They all currently eat commercial dry food and I know that making their meals will be so much healthier.
    I just have one question, I have always heard that dry food / kibble is needed for their teeth (dental needs). If I feed them just the stew and other homemade meals, what do I need to incorporate for the dental needs?

    Thanks for all your great advice and recipes!

    1. Hi Kimberly – Glad you’re excited about making food and keeping your kids so much healthier! There is no evidence that dry food keeps teeth clean. If you ate a handful of pretzels… you would be pulling pretzel muck out of your teeth. Same thing with dry food. It does NOTHING for the teeth and is probably worse for them than canned food! Try giving them a raw knuckle/soup bone to gnaw on. They will love it and the gnawing action helps keep their teeth stronger too. As far as cats go… you can give them raw chicken neck vertabrae. They will love that as well. I’m not a big big fan of raw FOODS… but the bones won’t splinter, are healthy and do a good job! Lucky kids you have! xoox

  99. Hi there,
    My cats seem to be getting sick of the stew…they aren’t eating as much and don’t seem to be as excited to eat when its time (they don’t run over to the bowl like usual). How can I change this up a bit? Should I only do ground beef and the salmon? Do your pets get sick of the same thing everyday, all the time? If so, what do you do?



    1. I give my kitty the stew every night for dinner. Breakfast is a delicious mix of a small amount of fish. Your cats may just need a fun topping to make it more delicious. (Remember that we don’t want to trade healthy for delish though). My book has a lot of topping ideas, but you can try a bit of parmesean cheese, or a few drops of marinara sauce, or little bits of chicken or turkey on top. Just to give it a different aroma. Keep making the food. My pets have been on it for 17 years and we are our vet’s worst customer! xoxo

  100. I finally found your recipe, online, on this website, and am cooking it for the first time. I have a 14 yr. old Somali. She weighs 6 1/2 to 7 pounds.
    I can’t find kelp powder but do have some “Main Coast” Organic Dulse Granules. Could I use that, instead of kelp, since they are both seaweeds? The label says that 1 tsp has 35 mg of sodium and 130 mg of Potassium. Also, 220% Iodine and 6% iron, based on a 2000 calorie diet.
    My second question is: Since this is sooo expensive, can I eat it also?

  101. Hi Andi 🙂

    HELP? My cat won’t touch the stew I made for her. She tried a couple of licks and turned up her nose, acting as if she was trying to get it off her teeth. It has been 2 days, now, and she won’t eat it, but keeps begging for food. It was too soupy, so I poured off some of the broth and added it to the dry Orijen Whole Prey Diet she loves and now she won’t eat that, either.
    The texture is like baby food. Is it supposed to be that consistency? Maybe I cooked it too long? Or, food processed it too much?
    Any ideas?

    Thank you.


    1. Hi Ann, I’m so glad you reached out to me. The texture should be like baby food. Most cats are creatures of habit and really like what you got them used to yesterday! However… you should definitely keep going with them. Try adding a yummy topping that they really love. (A few bits of chicken, sardines, marinara sauce, parmesan cheese). Just as a flavor topping. I promise you that they will not starve themselves and if you persist during this “rough” time… you will definitely win with the healthiest kitty on the planet. Please don’t give up. 50 percent of the cats love it and 50 percent need some coaxing. Please keep me posted. You’re a great MOM!

  102. My 11 y/o mixed breed-golden, shephard, collie, chow mix was just diagnosed with bladder cancer and growths on her adrenals that may also be cancerous. She also has an encapsulated fatty tumor that takes up most of her right side (not cancerous), she’s on piroxicam to slow the growths and help her arthritic back, the lump is pulling her back down. I just found your site and I was going to make the chicken stew, I have a frozen chicken in the freezer now. I’m hoping that I’m not to late in feeding her human food. The food she eats is high grade canned food, no additives, good quality human grade food. She’s always gotten good food, be it dry kibble or canned. Is it to late to get her eating this? I’m getting the ONCO powder, vitamin mix for her to boost her immune system. I’m giving her colloidal silver in her water, it’s stopped the blood in her urine. I want the best for her and to turn this around if I can. The cancer in her bladder extends down the neck of the bladder, hence the medication to hopefully slow the tumor growths. What else can I do besides making her the stew? I’m open to suggestions. She also gets milk thistle, I take it also for liver health. Please help. Karen, thanks.

    1. Hi Karen,
      It is never too late to eat well and healthy. I DO NOT recommend ANY commercial foods. Dry or canned. There is nothing that can or will compare to the quality of what you are about to make for your sweet girl. PLEASE get a copy of my book as soon as possible. Make the stew as the recipe calls for TODAY. Keep her diet as clean as possible. I have witnessed many miracles in my life. I hope that you can experience that too! Stay true to the food. That will be your best defense. Keep us posted. xoxo Andi

  103. Hi Andi I have a 7 year old Shih Tzu who has lots of allergies I am not to sure to what.I was feeding him Hills Science Diet and he would just rip himself apart also he is overweight.I changed him over to Blue Buffalo Basics Grain free he is doing alright on that but still over weight so I give him half of what he should have and add cooked carrots to make up the difference.He is starving all the time but that is what the vet told me to do.He will eat anything toilet paper etc.If I feed him the food for weight loss he looses but scratches constantly if I feed him for allergies he gains weight.I am going crazy.Do you think this food will be ok for him.I am not sure I can get the vitamins to add to the food in Canada as I live in a very small town.I will order your book.

    1. Hi Wanda, I’m so very glad you wrote me. I am POSITIVE that your sweet pup will do beautifully on the stew. The reason he is having the “allergy” symptoms is because there is no quality in the ingredients in the commercial foods you’ve been feeding him. Adding carrots is not doing any good for him and he is overweight because of the starches in the foods. Meat and veggies in balanced proportions will make him well. Get a copy of my book please, as it will help the process along and has lots of useful information. In the meantime.. please begin to make his food right away. Here is a link to the recipe and I am totally convinced.. you will never see the vet for skin problems, itching, eating weird things and he will slim down beautifully. Don’t go crazy. Just make the food and keep us posted on your success. xoxox Andi

  104. I purchased your book and have been feeding my 6yr old German Shepherd the stew for 4 weeks now and he loves it! Unfortunately, now he seems to have developed a yeast infection on his belly and his feet and is very strong smelling, he had always been fed grain free kibble since he was a pup,and is not treat fed…. is there any ingredients in the stew I should avoid adding to clear up the yeast infection?

    1. Hi Troy… I believe that your dog may be experiencing what’s called a “healing crisis”. Meaning – there could be a brief aggravation of symptoms as the body is ridding itself of toxins. (Even though you have fed what might be considered good food… kibble, in and of itself is not healthy and highly processed and does not contain quality ingredients, like the stew). The only thing that I would recommend is that you try to first.. see if it does clear up by itself. If it doesn’t improve in a few days.. then I would totally eliminate any of the grains in the food. Actually you’ll be making the cat food version of the stew. If that works.. then you’ll be best to stay away from grains entirely. I have a very close friend who makes her Lab a stew without poultry at all, and only uses beef as the protein source. This combination of veggies from my book and beef have made this dog incredibly healthy. He used to have all kinds of chronic skin issues. You will be the healing artist. You need to judge. Take notes. Use the pet profile and portrait. YOU will find the EXACT recipe to make him the healthiest he can be. The oils should also help the symptoms you mention. Have you made them as well? Keep us all posted as to your success. You’re a great DAD! xoxo Andi

      1. Thank you! I will give the beef and no grains a shot. I do feed a tsp of the oils at each feeding and also add the vitamin C crystals…will keep you posted..
        Thx again!

  105. Hi Andi. I have a new 9 week old golden retriever puppy. Is it OK to feed her this stew right from the start or dies she require some additional ingredients while she is developing? Also, are the feeding guidelines the same for a puppy? Thanks.

    1. Hi Cheri, – Start TODAY! Puppies do amazingly well on the stew. You’ll never see the vet for the most common health problems if you stay true to the stew! I have suggestions for supplements in my book, (which I suggest you get, so you’ll know everything you need to keep her healthy). Puppies should eat 3 smaller meals a day if possible. You will monitor her weight and growth spurts with the help of the profile work pages in my book. Keep us all posted as to her glowing, great health. You’re a very good MOM! xox Andi

  106. Hi Andi, our family will be bringing home our very first puppy in about 7 weeks. He is a 6 day old Boston Terrior. We are all SOOOOO excited. I have done a lot of research on the best diet I can possibly give our new pet. I was excited to find your website and am planning to order your book so I will have lots of recipes. My question for you is how should I transition our puppy from what his breeder is feeding him to your recipes? Also, is there a variety of recipes in your book? I cant imagine eating the same thing day after day for years upon years. So I want to offer our pet a variety, but in a way that wont tear his upset tummy. Maybe some chicken recipes and some beef recipes or fish or turkey. Just curious what I can expect in your book. Third and last question…can I make a great deal of these recipes over the next few weeks while we are waiting to bring our puppy home and freeze it? What is the “shelf life”, so to say, for your frozen meals? Thank you

    1. Hi Susan… what a LUCKY PUPPY you are about to have! I’m so thrilled to hear that you’ll be making his food and keeping him healthy for his entire long life:) There are many recipes in my book.. but the staple diet I like to feed all my “kids” is the Doc’s Stew,.. which you can find on my recipe tab on the website. I do recommend that people make as many pots as they can that will fit on your stove. It gets frozen, and I have found that it’s great for six months or more. I like to use poultry for 99 percent of the pets in the stew. I have found that it’s the easiest for them to digest. Beef is great too.. but I do limit it to about twice a week for my gang. There is fish in the stew for them as well. I am hoping to come out with my new recipe book in the next few months… which will give lots of ideas for variation.. but it needs to be done with conscious thought. Some people mix the food up too soon and the pets could have a problem digesting new and different things. So… again.. the Stew is the base recipe to achieve glowing great health. Small portions of “other” yummy and healthy things are fine, once your new baby becomes accustomed to the stew. Don’t make too many changes too quickly with a young pup. Use the stew right away. You’ll be potty training from the start, so let the food take over and do its job of creating a strong body. I can’t wait to hear how well he does and I know that you’ll never see the vet for the common problems that most people have with their pets if you stay away from commercial foods. Make sure you sign up for my newsletter, so you’ll be kept abreast of all that we make available. Congrats on your new baby. You’re a GREAT Mom already! xoxo Andi

  107. Hi Andi!
    I have a 12-year-old cat who has CRF. She has eaten Taste of the Wild & Tiki Cat her entire life, but is now diagnosed with this awful renal disease. She hates the prescription food, K/D, and I think it’s garbage anyway. Do you think this would help her? She’s on Azodyl bid as well as Pet Wellbeing Kidney Support Gold drops bid.
    Also, Do you recommend adding taurine for cats?
    I’ve read that garlic is toxic to cats & dogs; is that false?
    I’m ordering your book now!
    Thank you!!
    Terra 🙂

    1. Hi Terra, I’m so glad you’re reaching out to me. Sadly, there is not a pet food on the market that I can recommend because I don’t believe that any of them really promote great health. Most just sustain life. I am absolutely POSITIVE that Doc’s Stew will be incredibly beneficial for your sweet one. Just stick to the plan. Follow the guides in the book. No need to add taurine. Taurine is found abundant in both muscle meat and organs. All the holistic veterinarians that I know, use and promote the healthful benefits of garlic. When used in small proportions.. it is a great blood purifier. I have been using it for 30 years. You have to be comfortable with all of the ingredients, though. So – if you are not quite comfortable with the addition of garlic… you can omit it from the stew. Please start the stew as soon as possible. We formulated it because my own cat, Spot had kidney disease and was on the prescription food. The vets said he would not live past 9 months, and he lived another 14 years! Keep us in the loop. You will adore what the stew does for your sweet one. Toss the store bought food. xoxo

  108. Are any supplements (calcium, etc) required to be added to the food just before serving, or during cooking?


    1. Hi Heather… supplements should never be cooked. Whatever you are adding to the stew should be added in the food bowl. I have MANY suggestions in my book for making your pet even healthier! xoxo

  109. Hi Andi – thank you for your work and your book. I have a 9 year old Labradoodle who has been in the vet’s office so much during his life, I could write books! I’m finally taking him to a holistic vet who is monitoring him on a holistic level, and he’s doing ok so far. I’m trying to get him off of kibble. I bought a different dog recipe book, and have been feeding him from that book – it has a bit more variety than I get from your book – not a criticism at all!!!! Just a comment. I’m having trouble getting him off of kibble entirely – it’s me, not him. His ideal weight is 68-70 pounds, and for his whole life I’ve had trouble keeping weight on him. Right now it’s warm outside, but once it cools, he will again be very active and who knows how much I’ll have to feed him!
    I’m concerned about the oatmeal in your stew – he has had lower bowel problems his whole life, and many things give him the trots – not just processed dog food. Also, weirdly, his physical woes sometimes mirror mine, and I can’t eat oatmeal every day or it upsets my stomach. He is ok, oddly enough, with wheat and corn, but not with rice. Can I use a bit of polenta or grits or something instead of the oatmeal? Thanks in advance for your reply.
    I think your stew recipe is just what I’m looking for – but I’m still on week 1 of your plan.

    1. Hi Annette, Thank you so much for your thoughtful e mail and message to me. Funny… there are so many articles I have written on pets mirroring their owners. They are emotional sponges. Now for the oatmeal… you can skip it. Dogs do better without any grains in the diet. (I do not recommend corn, wheat or rice). Some pets do just fine with barley. Or maybe even some really nice whole grain pasta from the health food store? If your sweet Labradoodle goes to the vet more than once a year for a check up… it is a definite sign that they are not getting the nutrition in the food you once fed. As far as the “variety” goes. Here’s what I recommend. Get your pup used to the stew with the poultry. Stabilize him on this. Stay with it for a month or two. Once he is completely healthy and fabulous.. you could try changing up the meat portion. So… perhaps some beef or some lamb or turkey. No pork. You will see amazing changes in him for sure. But for a pup with upset tummy… PLEASE don’t make any changes. The oats really won’t hurt him at all, but if you are uncomfortable with them.. they can be left out. (It actually helps to stretch the budget by adding them, which is always a plus). Sorry to have taken my time to respond to your comment, but I took a much needed vacation and now I’m back. Keep us in the loop. Can’t wait to hear how fabulous he is! xoxo Andi

    1. You can leave it chunkier or puree it down to mush. Dogs like it less pureed/blended. You are the healing artist. Create the perfect food for your sweet pets.

  110. So once you make the stew how do you store it? I see it can be frozen but how long is it ok once I know how big a container to store it in for freezing. does it need to be refrigerated? and then is it served cold? thanks

    1. Hi Janet,
      You freeze the portions you will not need and only keep refrigerated what will be eaten in 5 days or less. Never serve it cold. Always warm it to room temperature. I dish out the portion and heat it in the pan. (Not microwave). I think you should really get a copy of my book, which will explain everything you need in detail. It’s a fun read and I know you’ll love what real, homemade, healthy food can do for the ones you love. Keep us posted! xoxo Andi

  111. Hi Andi, I have your book and I just made the stew but it turned down into a soup. Its very fluid, and my dog does not eat it this way. I added only enough water to cover the ingredients, but the result is very soupy after processing the food. Than I tried again, and I strained the water from the food but this time, the total food is too little, only 14 cups not 26.. I should be doing something wrong. Is there a way to make the stew more solid? And just one more thing , when you say 5 pounds of whole chocken/turkey, it ends up as %30 less when we de-bone it, so if using boneless meat such as ground beef or any meat without bones, should we still use 5 pounds of boneless meat or less? Thank you so kuch for your help!

    1. Hi Gozde,
      Depending on the version of the book you have…. the amount of water has certainly fluctuated over the years. If i use a five pound chicken…. i only use about 4 cups of water. Also… if you use frozen veggies… it will have more water than if you use fresh veggies. I think that you could use 7 pound chicken (with bones) – they provide great sources of calcium and other minerals when it is cooked in the broth. I’m sorry for the soupy stew. Use less water and it will definitely help. It should be chunky or can be blended smooth (pureed). Once you get the recipe down… I KNOW your sweet pup is going to love it. Please keep us posted. xoxo Andi

  112. Hi Andi;

    Want a copy of your book.

    I believe that ebooks are less harmful to the environment and you always know where they are for quick reference.

    Is there an ebook?

    1. Hi Irene,
      Nope… not an e book right now. Sorry. Hope you’ll consider getting a copy of the one that we have now. Thank x

  113. Andi, you might recall I contacted you in June and July of last year about our 9th kitty after she nearly died due to anemia from a horrific flea infestation where she was fostered and having developed fatty liver from not eating for SO long, plus we could not get her to eat special Hills A/D food if ANY of the stew was mixed in! You kept telling me to be patient, try toppings, and more. I can report you are a genius. IT WORKED!!! Tabitha is now clamoring to be fed with the other 8 cats and the dog, even waking us up an hour before feeding time in the mornings. 

    Today, she is THE picture of health and our veterinarian, as well as my husband, cannot BELIEVE she is still here. My husband keeps telling me, and said again the other day, that I get all the credit, spending so much time loving her, praying over her, medicating her and, yes, sometimes force-feeding her because she needed nutrients to fight to save her own life. He said he just knew she wasn’t going to make it and, truth be told, I almost let myself think so too, but I had to keep trying, because when all else is gone, you still have hope! My hope was placed in you and what you kept telling me. Rightfully so.

    1. Betsy,
      I may have whispered in your ears but YOU are the TRUE HERO! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your kind words. You have the luckiest kitties in the world! You Are the healer! I am hoping that you might share your lovely story on the Amazon website and give a review of my book. That way.. other pet lovers will have the benefit of what you have done and found. You are wonderful! Sending BIG HUGS to you and all the kitties. (Any your hubby too!) xoxoxo Andi
      Here is the Amazon link:

  114. Hi Andi,

    My Great Pyrenees age nine years was diagnosed with ALS which would be Lou Garrett’s disease in humans. Would the The Whole Pet Diet Chicken Stew be a good choice or should I maybe go with some salmon or duck?

    1. Hi Susie,
      My Doc’s Stew would be so perfect for your sweet Pyrenees. I don’t like using duck because it’s so darn fatty. There is salmon in the stew (which is mostly poultry). These ingredients are easy for the body to assimilate and utilize and eliminate. I believe that you will see some stunning results if you endeavor to make the food the way it is recommended on the website. Please do keep us posted on your success. Since your dog is so big…it will be a labor of love to make it consistently, but I know you’ll be so happy with the results. xox Andi

  115. I have been cooking for my dog for about 6 months now. She is happy and can’t wait to eat and I am happy and can’t wait to feed her. A recent annual visit to my vet brought up a question. I feed my dog a recipe similar to your stew. However, I do not add the bones. My vet suggested Bone Meal Powder. Do you have an opinion about this?

    1. Great question! Since we make the stew including the bones and all.. i don’t use bone meal powder or any other calcium supplement. HOWEVER.. if your dog has a calcium deficiency.. there is nothing wrong with adding a bit of bone meal powder (as long as it’s a natural human grade product from the health food store). The recipe for vita mineral mix powder in my book contains bone meal as an integral part of the daily meals. I choose specific supplements for each pet’s individual needs and address this in depth in my book. I think you would definitely benefit from my book and hope that you’ll get a copy soon. Keep up the great work! I’m happy for your sweet pup! xoox Andi

  116. Hi Andi

    I have your book and am startinging today!

    A couple of questions first?

    Can I cook in a crock pot instead of on stove top?

    And do I need to add bone meal? Or a multiple vitamin mix ? Or is that just an added plus?

    Can I use coconut oil and salmon oil for the oils? Is that complete enough?

    I have been feeding spots stew fo ever BUT they are completely changing the formulas yes again. So many am going out on my own!

    I have 2 Bichons. One has developed an immune mediated eye inflammation.

    So I am hoping this will help support her immune system. Anything else that you can tell me to add to help that would be great!

    Thank you for all you do for animals! You are truly appreciated!


    1. Hi Lisa, i know that we addressed your thoughts and concerns in a private e mail. The greatest gift you can give your pet is the gift of great homemade food. Thanks for making the changes for the ones you love. You should see some incredible miracles start to happen! xoxo Andi

  117. Hi. My chihuahua/ terrier mix has be having stomach issue and heard cooking food for your dog is healthy for them, so I decided to try it. I made your chicken stew recipe and couldn’t remember if I was supposed to take the garlic out before I mixed it all togther( might have dissolved during cooking anyway?) and so I had my husband look up garlic and dogs real quick and got conflicting answers. Some said not to feed garlic at all because it’s toxic and a little is okay or in awhile and then I started looking up other stuff like the salmon and same thing. Conflicting results. Some said not to feed your dog salmon more than once a week and never cook with garlic. I already fed some of this recipe to my dog and I’m worried. Lots of people have said good things about this recipe, so really unsure where to go from here.

    1. Hi Siobhain,
      Everyone has an opinion. I have been teaching people how to make their pet’s food for over thirty years. The only results that we all get are great results and the pets do beautifully on the plan. I want to suggest that you get a copy of my book. It will make the whole thing so easy for you to understand. There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeding salmon every day. The garlic issue is really all about using excessive amounts of garlic. The amounts I suggest in my recipes are very small and every holistic vet I know…uses and recommends small amounts of garlic because it actually is wonderful for the immune system. You must be comfortable with what you are feeding the ones you love, so at any point.. you may feel free to omit anything you don’t feel good about. The only thing I will say is that my plan WORKS. My job is to keep the pets out of the vet’s for the most common problems. Continue with the stew. you are absolutely on the right track. I am here to help you. xoxo ANdi

  118. Hi Andi,

    Looking forward to reading your book when it arrives tomorrow. I may knock the mailman down. 😉 My 14 year old Goldie has been struggling for several months, and I am anxious to get her off ‘dog food’. I often make chicken and sweet potatoes, and sometimes bone broth, for her and our Hound rescue, and the Goldie literally DANCES for her dinner when she knows she’s getting REAL FOOD!

    My girl has diarrhea again today, so I’m making your Doc’s Stew recipe. I am inclined to remove the chicken skin while deboning the chicken. I generally like to have fat in the diet, and my Goldie needs to gain weight, however, I am afraid the fat may be too much for her initially. I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

    Thank you, Andi.

    1. Hi Andrea, Please don’t hurt the mailman! (LOL!). I’m so glad you’re moving totally to this wonderful diet. You’ve got two LUCKY PUPS!. I don’t see any reason to remove the skin. Remember that we want a “whole”-istic diet. That means you cook the stew with bones, organs, skin and all. Most pets that need to gain weight do so easily and the others that need to lose weight seem to slim down as well. Take notes. Use the pet profile and pet portrait – that comes with the book. It will keep you focused on what you need to do in order to tweak the program in the way that your particular pets need. Diarrhea is a result of the body not being able to process, absorb, utilize and eliminate the food you’re feeding. All the ingredients you use are in the perfect proportions so that you won’t be dealing with that anymore. Just be sure to not go back to the commercial food or snacks. My book will walk you through all the steps and I know that you’ll ALL be dancing when you see the results for yourself. Thanks and please do keep us posted on your success. You may always contact me through the website. I don’t check the comments all that often, but I do look at the e mails that come through. You’re a GREAT Mom! Bravo for taking the health of the ones you love… into your own hands. xoxo Andi

  119. I need clarification of “yellow squash.” Is this winter squash, like butternut or acorn? Or the summer squash (like zucchini but yellow)? Also, occasionally I can buy mutton cheap–it’s so fatty that I usually cool and pry off the thick white layer before feeding and it STILL seems so fatty. But I recently purchased goat meat–said to be lean but still seems fatty, more so than chicken, and I’m wondering if I’m skimming too much off. On these larger animals, like goat, mutton or beef, after I remove the meat, would additional time (8 hrs?) for the bones in the crock pot on low do a better job of extracting the nutrients in the bone? Then I would use that bone broth to start the next batch of stew.

    1. Hi Claire,
      Summer squash – like zucchini, but yellow is what I recommend. I can’t speak to the lamb question. Lamb may be just fine for some dogs but I really like to recommend poultry – which is easier for a dog or a cat to absorb and utilize. you will have to play with the recipes if you are using goat or mutton. I don’t really have experience with that for my stew. Good luck. I really hope that you will consider poultry which seems to work best. Take notes and good luck. xxo

    1. Hi Jill, I would love to know what an “instant pot” is – myself. If you are referring to a crock pot? The recipe stays the same. ?? Thanks for sharing. Andi

  120. Hi! I recently bought your book and my dog your book and feed him the updated doc stew for the last 2 and a half days. I also feed him 1/2 a teaspoon a day of halo pet oil. I’ve noticed his bowel movements aren’t as regular and I’m worried he is constipated. Is that normal when beginning this diet? (I’ve read about loose stool but not constipation). Should I change anything about the diet?

    Another question I had, when cooking the stew, do I leave it covered? And do I peel the zucchini and other veggies? And, since you took off sweet potato your doc stew recipe, should I use oats instead in equal amounts for your turkey sweet potato recipe?

    For your reference, my dog is almost 6 months old and he’s a Pembroke Welsh corgi. I was previously feeding him the I and love and you grain free poultry dry food.

    1. Also, just for your information, regarding the constipation, he used to have bowel movements twice or three times a day and now he’s going once a day. (Hes still a puppy and I know they’re supposed to go more often).

    2. Hi Lorilynn, I’m sorry it took so long to get back with you, but I’ve been gone for several weeks. I cannot recommend ANY commercial pet products. I no longer have an affiliation with Halo, and since they are using Soy Oil in their oil blend… I don’t recommend that either. The key is to make your own products so that you KNOW what is going into your pup. I can assume that he had become regular in the last two plus weeks that you wrote me. His whole body will become strong and healthy and his stool should be perfectly formed. Please let me know how he’s doing and if you want to get a hold of me faster… you can e mail me (I don’t always check my comments here). Please continue to feed him the stew exclusively. You will never regret that and I think you’re a FABULOUS Mom for making this happen. xoxo Andi

  121. Andi, I have purchased your book and now have had my ten month old miniature long haired dachshund, Marley, on your diet and program for four weeks. He is doing wonderful. Previously he was eating dry kibble. He hated it and was a very picky eater with erratic bowel movements. Now he eats very well, his bad breath is gone and he does not shed nearly as bad as before we started your diet. I just want to say “Thank You”.

    1. Hi Rick,
      I’m so very happy to know about your little Marley. He is a very lucky boy and YOU are a WONDERFUL Dad! Keep up all the great work. He will undoubtedly blossom into the healthiest pup around! BRAVO for you and thank you for letting us all know! xoxox Andi

  122. I use a crock pot/slow cooker to cook all chicken parts including bones. After approx 24 hours of constant simmering, the bones separate from the meat and are soft enough to mash with my fingers. I put the extremely soft bones in a blender with some of the cooked broth and blend until it is the consistency of jarred infant food. I add this calcium-marrow rich mixture back into the cooked meat. My dogs love licking the spoon!!!!

  123. Hi Andy.
    I would like to ask for your opinion. I hv always give my cat with my homemade chicken stew everyday. But i also give my cat dry food from pet store (Tuscane brand). Everyday her diet would be dryfood in the morning, and wetfood (homemade chicken stew) at night.
    Recently i noticed that my cat’s urine was red colour. Im shocked and i give her water a lot and the urine already clear. I brought my cat to see vet but he advised me to stop the chicken stew. I was thinking tht my homemade chic stew which i bought the free-antibiotic chicken is much more healthier than the dry food.
    What do you think? Appreciate your advise.

    My cat is 8 years old and a female.


    1. Hi Mastura,
      I do not recommend ANY commercial pet food and dry food is the absolute worst thing you can feed a cat. It dries out the organs and is the leading cause of kidney and urinary tract problems. There is no good dry food and your homemade stew is totally perfect for keeping your kitty healthy and out of the vet’s office. In my book I go into a lot of detail about the problems with dry food. It dries out the skin, the coat, and the digestive system. Most cats don’t need to drink extra water if they are being fed the stew. They are getting their liquid from the healthy broth. Please continue with the homemade food. There is nothing healthier for your sweet girl. xoo Andi

  124. I have 7 cats and 7 dogs. Two of my cats are about 19 years old and have chronic kidney disease. I just found out one of my 10 year old cats has diabetes. The dogs are doing sort-of ok, but the main problems I’m having with them are skin, tooth, and gut issues. I want to do this, but I will be making a lot of food. I think that recipe above might last a day. Do you have recommendations about being able to feed that many animals and the affordability of the ingredients? Do you know anyone who is doing this with a large number of animals and how they cope? I work full-time, so I wouldn’t be able to cook all day every day. Help!

    1. Oh Gayle, YOU are an angel! WOW! Yes, you do have a challenge with so many pets involved. Both cost and time involved. The diabetic cat should NEVER have grains. The cat food recipe (which is perfect for dogs as well ) was designed for kidney issues. The skin and digestive issues are easy to fix, but I’m just afraid that any of the commercial dog or cat foods do not produce great health and your only option for truly gaining great health for all the kids is to cook for them. I would never use dry food. It causes digestive and skin problems. It is always better to do a part of the program, if you can’t do the WHOLE thing. Meaning that if you can’t do the homemade for every meal, then opt for doing it as many times a week as possible. I would definitely make a batch of the oil for them all. You can use the essential oil recipe for everyone and they will benefit. I make four pots of stew at a time. Four burners. Each pot (i double the recipe in each pot) – makes about 7 2 pound containers. Depending on how big the dogs are and how much they eat… it could last a week or two? If you want to do the stew for the dogs… perhaps make a “stew sandwich” a slice of whole grain SPROUTED bread will help stretch the budget. Give each dog a veggie and egg scramble for breakfast. Stew for dinner. Or make a small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Stew for dinner.
      I much prefer all human foods for them. I can’t recommend any pet products. If you want to discuss this in more detail…. please feel free to contact me at I can help more once you start doing the plan. If you can’t afford to do the WHOLE PIE… then just serve the slices as much as you can. The stew is healing and will produce great results if you stay close to that. You’re a terrific Mom and they are all so lucky to have you. Cheers! Andi

      1. Thanks for the reply! I’m getting ready to start the oil recipe for all of them. I’m going “by the book” with a week for each new addition until I’ve incorporated as much of the program as I can. Those were all great suggestions to try to stretch the budget. I may be emailing you for advice pretty soon. Thank you!

  125. I forgot to mention, thankfully the dogs are all small. The heaviest is 22 lbs and they go down from there to about 11 lbs. My neighbor has chickens, so I should be able to get plenty of eggs. I think he usually has more than he needs!

  126. Hi, I live across the “pond” in the UK, with my two Miniature Schnauzers, Lexi and Ani. I first discovered Andi Brown in 2010 when Lexi, my eldest was six months old and constantly had tummy troubles. I googled pet diets and was drawn to the Whole Pet Diet. I started to cook Lexi’s dinners, ordered Andi’s book and read why all the ingredients would work together and what they would do for her. Success! We recently had an issue with a urinary infection and found out that Lexi’s urine was too alkaline – after googling this I ascertained that it is common in this breed. The alkalinity had created crystals (called Struvite crystals) which were being stored in her bladder, this made urination very difficult and when she did pass some it was cloudy, with high crystal content. She would strain for a long time and pass drips. I contacted Andi by email and she suggested I remove carbs and add vitamin C, to her diet. Lexi’s vet tried to dissuade me, saying I should feed her a ‘proven commercial diet’ – no way was I doing that, I’d been cooking Lexi’s dinners for 9 years and wasn’t about to default to tinned commercial (my choice of words here) “rubbish”. So I duly removed the barley and oats from the recipe and added the Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) powder, and continued to monitor Lexi’s improvement (I monitored by using test strips to see if her urine was acid or alkaline). I can see that her alkaline level is lowering and we are now in the normal range. The vet would like to see it in the slightly acidic range so that her body continues to break down these alkaline crystals but all in all we have seen massive improvements very quickly. I am so pleased I discovered Andi and her book! If you haven’t yet bought the book please do, its important to read and create an educated understanding of exactly why each foodstuff and element goes into the recipe. There is absolutely nothing better than knowing you love and care for your pet in the best way you possibly can. I cannot recommend the book highly enough, or the support from Andi. Thank you so much.

    1. Wendy, You’ve made my heart so happy. Thank you for sharing your success with other pet lovers. In this day and age of bad news… it’s such a breath of fresh air to know that we can always make our pets healthier by making the right food choices. Keep up the great work. Lexi is a very lucky PUP! YOU are one TERRIFIC MOM! xoxo Andi

  127. I use mature chicken and stewing hens in doc s stew.

    To up the glucosamine how do you feel about the addition of duck feet when chicken feet are not available?

  128. Why did it take so long to find you?! Thanks to Susan Thixton I just did! I ordered your book and signed up for your newsletters. Love all your content and will be making your dog stew for our labs. Love the idea of cooking everything together! I do have a question for you. I’ve been cooking recipes that are ‘balanced meals’ that are just too complicated and a ton of work. Is your stew recipe considered balanced? Should I be adding calcium carbonate or other vitamins and nutrients? Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Annette, Please forgive me for not responding sooner. Computer issues and such. The stews are the healthiest for your pets and don’t “need” anything else, necessarily. Since you are cooking the bones in the broth. (And then you remove them before mixing/pureeing… ) They get great sources of calcium. If your individual pet is experiencing a “problem” that you want to get over… then you will seek to add the appropriate supplements for their individual needs. In the future, if you have any questions you want answered quickly… please send it to I’m happy to help in any way that i can. Sending hugs to you and Susan Thixton. She is truly a HERO! xoxo Andi

  129. Hi Andi- I have a question about supplements for cats. I have Dr. Pitcairns”s book and used to make raw cat food from there, including adding all of the taurine and other vitamins recommended. I would like to move into cooked food for my dog and cats. I don’t see any supplements added for the cat version of this stew. I am curious about that. I had heard it was necessary for cats.
    Thanks–looking at buying your book and checking if it will be the right option for us.

    1. Hi Melissa,
      Sorry it took so long to answer, but we were having computer issues and your e mail got lost. Taurine is found abundant in muscle meat and organ meat, so you don’t have to worry about that. Pets should be given supplements according to their particular and individual needs. You can check it all out in my book, or feel free to e mail me at thank you and i know you will adore all that the stew can do for the ones you love! xoxo Andi

  130. Hello, I’m a bit confused about when to put the oats in the pot and when to add the extra water. The confusion is that it says to cover just the meat, whereas in the book it says to cover all ingredients.

    Thank you!

  131. I am wondering about the amount of meat in a 5-pound chicken, would it throw the diet off negatively to add more chicken meat, such as extra breast or thigh meat? I know the bones are to be removed after cooking, I assume the skin is to be left in?

    1. Hi Sue, Sorry about the delay in responding, You may absolutely add extra chicken meat. When we feed “holistic” – we use the “whole” bird, including skin, bones, meat and organs. We absolutely must never feed cooked chicken bones because they could splinter, but everything else stays in it. xo Andi

  132. Hello again, I have just ordered the book, but I want to get a jump start on this recipe, so I have a couple more questions.
    When you say yellow squash do you mean the winter type like butternut or acorn, or do you mean the yellow squash that is similar to zucchini? If it means the winter type, can all or part be exchanged for sweet potato? I can’t get organic winter squash this year, but I can get organic sweet potato. Next year I will plant winter squash, is there a preferred type?
    Can all or part of the salmon be replaced with sardines? My dogs are already used to getting sardines daily.
    I intend to pressure cook the whole chicken in the instant pot, remove the meat and then simmer the bones for hours, strain and add to stew.

    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Sue, We recommend the zucchini that is similar to the yellow squash and we don’t recommend potatoes of any kind to be fed on a usual basis. Potatoes are difficult to digest and really only added nowadays as a filler in the food. Sardines are great! Any cold water, wild caught are great. Sardines if canned can be quite oily, and i use them as a treat, but really prefer the salmon in the stew. You can experiment with the recipes and make the ones you think are best. You’re a GREAT MOM! Keep up the wonderful work.
      xox Andi

  133. Hello my name’s Danielle and I have a little roughly 9 lbs Chihuahua/winer dog named Luna she’s around 2 years old and she’s out little fur lady. She is EXTREMELY HARD TO FEED she’s so very picky and as soon as we find something she seems to like she tiers of it pretty quickly and refuses to eat it anymore. She also has a very sensitive and uncooperative tummy and we have tried extremely hard to pin point the culprit to her random digestive issues but it has been a bit of a struggle to find out what exactly is causing her tummy to disagree with the things shes eating. This has also presented the problem of having to constantly change her diet which also can create problems for her digestively. We have spoken with her vet about it and we were told to try the bland diet when she’s seeming to have issues and this resulted in even worse tummy problems from how it seemed. So we have been doing ground turkey, carrots, peas, eggs, oatmeal and making it into a doggy meat loaf. This was something she seemed to enjoy for a short time but now she’s not longer very interested in it. Plus it was starting to cause her to be a bit constipated and we were having to try to find ways to help her not be struggling to go #2 we would do some coconut oil when ever it was clearly becoming difficult for her to go. Overall at this point we don’t have a clue what to feed her anymore she isn’t interested in the doggy loaf much plus with it being her main thing to eat every day besides her kibble she always has available it was starting to give her to much trouble going #2. So I was reading through your stew recipe here and was concerned about the garlic cloves because I was under the impression that garlic, onions, chives, and other things like those were NOT safe for dogs to eat. So I was just wondering if there’s some way that you are able to safely give dogs garlic because everything I read says it’s absolutely not safe to feed it to your dog especially if it is something that’s going into what your dog is eating as their main meals. Also I was wondering if ground beef is okay for my dog if I used it to make her doggy loaf and of course chicken is fine but is there ground pork??;if so is that ok for using to make a doggy loaf? One other thing about Luna is she’s not really a big fan of like “wet foods” like wet dog food nope she doesn’t want anything to do with it really at one point we had found some that she was eating but after the 2 time or so of serving it to her she was no longer interested and then we ran into the issue of constantly changing her food types and diet she doesn’t like gravy and broth really at all not alone or on something she might like so please if you have any other ideas and can tell me what meats and forms of meat are ideal for making homemade dog food that would be great and also the thing with the garlic and anything like recipes or even some advice on how we can handle our picky little sensitive tummied fur ladies difficult diet issues it’s much needed and appreciated. So thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing a response from you and thank you for the great info on your site and I’m also interested in trying to get your book when I can afford to so have a wonderful day and take care.

    1. Hi Danielle,
      OK.. First of all… if you leave kibble down for her to eat… she will not be hungry for her REAL food that you’re making! Let’s cut out the kibble entirely for a very healthy dog. You can use beef instead of poultry, but “most” pets do best with chicken, we have found. Never use pork. It is definitely difficult to digest and is not your best choice. As far as garlic goes… the “studies” done on garlic were done with HUGE amounts of garlic tested. We use the most minute amount. (The amount that all the holistic vets we know – do use and recommend it). However… if YOU are not comfortable using the garlic – then please don’t use it. It’s up to you and your sweet pup. I’m sure that if you take up the kibble and allow your pup to get really hungry at mealtimes… you’ll find that she is more excited about eating what you prepare. You can also use some “bribe foods” on top of the stew to get things going. A pinch of salt, some meat bits, a dollop of something yummy like tomato sauce or whatever your little one prefers. Hope this helps. Happy New Year. xo Andi

  134. 12 yo cat just dx hyperthyroid after loosing too much weight after being a butterball! Now about 1/2 target weight. Journey understanding role food for the furry. Most my other cats over years lived just shy 20 yo on dry food plus whatever critters they ate as roamed outside. This one is inside due to living in wild & a dog that doesn’t like cats in his turf (she rules inside tho). My dog roams hundreds acres & always bringing home deer bones & parts the coyotes haven’t devoured…so not too concerned about him. I know quality of dry has dropped over my lifetime & really never good. Anyway, ending that & while searching best feeding program am using the best canned can find (not thrilled with choices as there really aren’t any…lesser of two evils tho). Have a trial of raw heading my way. Animals are carnivores but I’m totally plant based & must say handling flesh foods isn’t too appealing to me especially cooking on my stove! But will find way to deal with that even if have to cook outside. Can obtain local farm fresh chicken. The one thing most recommended for her is eliminating iodine as much as possible which includes kelp plus all the various iodides and seafoods. Wondering about leaving those out of the recipe. Any significant problem at least til can get that thyroid under control? Have herbal thyroid support on the way. Oh, beef, there is much about it not being the best for cats, any input on that? I do have access to antibiotic free, pasture fed, beef. Personally the quality of meat even USDA leaves much to be desired & if possible will be sourcing all from local farmers so know its condition. Food is our medicine we just don’t always carry that over to our pets. Thanks.

    1. Hi Glen, I’m hoping that you were able to find the turkey for your recipe. You’ll want to keep the recipe at about five pounds of meat in the pot. There is nothing wrong with using beef. Some pets respond to beef better than poultry, but you need to use it for a week or two to understand how your particular pets utilize the meats. I’m so glad that you have access to really great food from your local farmers. Chicken is a bit messier than the beef, because of the de-boning. I hope you find a way to make it pleasing to yourself and to the pets. Keep up the great work. You can’t go wrong with my recipes. So many tens of thousands of pets have had incredible transformations on this diet. You’re doing great. xoxo Andi

  135. Hi, I just got my copy of your book, recommended to me by a new vet. I have a 3 year old Biewer Yorkie that has chronic colitis issues. He visits the vet at least every couple of months for this. Most recently went to the ER for a case of HGE, then about 4 weeks later he went to the vet for a colitis flare up with bloody diarrhea. I am at my wits end and worry constantly about him.
    I noticed in the book the stew recipe calls for sweet potato, but on the website it is not listed. Would you recommend that I omit it from the stew? I am going to cook it tonight for the first time. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      I’m so glad that you’ll be making the healthiest food in the world and I know your digestive woes are going to be a thing of the past. The website recipes do get updated much more than the book. I no longer recommend sweet potatoes for most pets. So… stick with the recipe on the website for the stew and i would also omit the oats as well right now. You’ll have your best success initially from just a meat and veggie diet. Keep us posted. I know you’re going to get great results. xox Andi

  136. Dr Andi, I’ve got an interesting one. My 6y.o doberman/GSD mix (Norman) has cystinuria. When first diagnosed I put him on Spot’s chicken stew, but the vet had me switch to a prescription diet, with meds (tiopronin). Well, I have a new vet now and we are moving back to a Homemade diet and I’m switching his meds to ALA. Since he has cystinuria, would it be wise to reduce the amount of animal protein in Doc’s stew or just go as is?
    THANK you for your awesome book (I’ve read it twice!)!

    1. Hi JC, I’m so glad that your new vet has a good handle on what’s healthy for your Dobie! I would keep all the great ingredients for the stew the same, but I would eliminate all the grains, if you’re using them. In essence, you’ll want to use the “cat food” version of the stew, and I would also be sure to add vitamin c to the food to keep the system clean and clear. The great nutrients in the broth will also help the body to filter out all it needs to do. Keep up the excellent work and do keep us posted on your success. I’m sure he’s going to be Healthy and FABULOUS! xox Andi

  137. Hi Andi!
    We own a LOT of rescued cats, and they have been on kibbles all their lives. We just found out that 2 of them have serious liver problems now, and was thinking of switching to the Doc’s Stew cold turkey for all of our rescues (we have almost 15 rescues). I also read somewhere that feeding our pets liver every day is not recommended…
    Any advice please? Thank you! Greetings from Indonesia.

    1. Hi Sophia,
      What lucky cats you have. The amount of liver used in the stew is minimal. When we feed a “holistic” diet.. we mimic how and what they would be eating in the wild. The amount of liver used is not very much and the benefits are terrific. Keep up the wonderful work. You are an angel. Making the stew is one way to ensure that they stay out of the vets for the most common health problems. xox ANDI

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