Your Pet Products May Contain Toxic Protein Sources

Although your current pet’s vitamins or foods may be marketed as holistic, healthy or natural, it doesn’t automatically make it true. Far too many of the so-called “premium” pet products contain an ingredient that has been found to be incredibly dangerous to animals, as well as to humans. Sources indicate that 99% of its crops […]
The Remarkable Min-Pin: Chico Vetter’s True Story

My min-pin was very ill. The local vet said he would soon die even though he was only 7-years old. We took him to another city and to another vet. She gave me your book. He was not only diabetic, but had liver and pancreas disease, and was an epileptic. He was auto-immune sensitive, and […]
Muffin: A Transformation In Front of Your Eyes!

Muffin was a very sad little rescue dog. At 14, it seemed that no one would want to adopt him. Muffin had lost almost all the hair down his back, had “weepy” sores, itched and scratched himself raw and couldn’t stop licking his feet. Muffin was the kind of dog we see all the time. […]
Andi’s Magical Solution to Skin & Coat Problems

What to Expect: Dramatic changes in your pet’s skin and coat! You will notice less shedding and scratching and watch a dull coat begin to glow. Allergy symptoms become a thing of the past and you can be sure your pet is on its way to a life free of expensive and dangerous cortisone shots, […]
Andi Brown’s Exciting Holistic Pet News

So many people have been writing me over the last five years to express concerns about their pets’ health and the ongoing problems they’ve been facing. The most common conditions are allergies, digestive disorders, (vomiting and diarrhea), obesity, immunity problems, diabetes, chronic skin and coat problems and eye/ear issues. After much deliberation about what I […]
Andi’s Recipe for A Beautiful Coat for Dogs or Cats

Shedding, Itching, Scratching, Allergies, Dull Coat and Dandruff? Your pets have been back and forth to the vet’s office for cortisone shots and steroids? There’s not a flea in sight, but your dog keeps digging, licking and biting at his paws all day long? You’ve tried all kinds of shots and medications and you’ve been told […]