Let your pets “live it up” with the rest of your family with wholesome holiday dinners! In the right proportions, your human holiday feast can be the perfect meal for your furry friends too! Sharing is truly caring, when it comes to real food. We can start with a few slices of traditional holiday turkey, […]
Get a copy of my book for the mother of the four legged kids they love!
Find the perfect Mother's Day Gift for the Mom of the four legged friends they love. — Andi Brown (@andibrownpets) May 9, 2014

Kidney disease and urinary tract problems can be deadly for cats, but most people are unaware that the food they may be feeding could actually be causing these horrible, debilitating problems. Thirty years ago, I thought that the food I was feeding my cat was healthy because all of the veterinarians promoted that product. Of […]
Bravo To The Healing Pet Artist!

The Healing Pet Artist – Because I view great pet health as an art, and myself as a healing artist, I use a creative process similar to that of a painter. The minute anything seems out of balance with one of my pets, I pick up my paint brush, identify the problem, prepare the palette, […]
DOC’S STEW: The healthiest version of my food for dogs & cats

The Whole Pet Diet Chicken Stew aka Doc’s Stew(r) – My Newest and healthiest updated recipe from my book Special note: use organic ingredients whenever possible 5 pounds Whole Chicken or Turkey (bones, organs, skin and all) Beef is fine too! 6 – 8 cups spring water – (just enough to cover the meat. let […]
The Number One, Most Important Feeding Rule For Dogs or Cats

Want to boost your pet’s immune system, slim your dogs or cats down naturally and support all of their organs to function better, by changing one simple habit? Then don’t forget the primary feeding rule. Make sure you remove all traces of your pet’s food, as well as their dishes after 30 minutes of feeding. […]
The Low-Carb Healthier Dog and Cat– Fight Fat and Find Fitness!

A low-carb diet for pets? You’d better believe it makes sense! I mean, who really knows better than Mother Nature herself? Dogs and cats are carnivores and that means protein, made from real meat! Pet obesity is on the rise for humans, as well as it is for our pets. According to the National Academy […]
Phoebe: Turned Around in Just One Week!

Hi Andi, My sister bought me your book, The Whole Pet Diet, sometime ago, but I never actually sat down to read it. I regret not reading your book much sooner, as we lost our two girls, Chelsie and Maggie, to kidney failure. But, hopefully, I’m on the right track with my newly adopted seven […]
Don’t Let Your Pets Become A Statistic of Veterinary Care

Over $50 billion will be spent on our pets in the United States this year. Of that, $20 billion will pay for food, and over $14 billion will be spent on veterinary care. The pet insurance industry is a money-making monster; growing at a rate of 25% each year and projected to be $664 million […]
The Remarkable Min-Pin: Chico Vetter’s True Story

My min-pin was very ill. The local vet said he would soon die even though he was only 7-years old. We took him to another city and to another vet. She gave me your book. He was not only diabetic, but had liver and pancreas disease, and was an epileptic. He was auto-immune sensitive, and […]