Hi Andi, I bought your book about two years ago and it transformed my old dog. It was amazing to see him go from overweight, smelly, itchy, and slobbery to a beautiful healthy happy boy. I am writing to let you know that I think you under emphasized the benefits of kelp. My local whole […]
Get a copy of my book for the mother of the four legged kids they love!
Find the perfect Mother's Day Gift for the Mom of the four legged friends they love. — Andi Brown (@andibrownpets) May 9, 2014

Kidney disease and urinary tract problems can be deadly for cats, but most people are unaware that the food they may be feeding could actually be causing these horrible, debilitating problems. Thirty years ago, I thought that the food I was feeding my cat was healthy because all of the veterinarians promoted that product. Of […]
Bravo To The Healing Pet Artist!

The Healing Pet Artist – Because I view great pet health as an art, and myself as a healing artist, I use a creative process similar to that of a painter. The minute anything seems out of balance with one of my pets, I pick up my paint brush, identify the problem, prepare the palette, […]
Don’t Let Your Pets Become A Statistic of Veterinary Care

Over $50 billion will be spent on our pets in the United States this year. Of that, $20 billion will pay for food, and over $14 billion will be spent on veterinary care. The pet insurance industry is a money-making monster; growing at a rate of 25% each year and projected to be $664 million […]
The Remarkable Min-Pin: Chico Vetter’s True Story

My min-pin was very ill. The local vet said he would soon die even though he was only 7-years old. We took him to another city and to another vet. She gave me your book. He was not only diabetic, but had liver and pancreas disease, and was an epileptic. He was auto-immune sensitive, and […]
Andi’s Magical Solution to Skin & Coat Problems

What to Expect: Dramatic changes in your pet’s skin and coat! You will notice less shedding and scratching and watch a dull coat begin to glow. Allergy symptoms become a thing of the past and you can be sure your pet is on its way to a life free of expensive and dangerous cortisone shots, […]
3 Ways to NOT become your Vet’s Best Customer!

Want to see the vet for yearly check-ups only? Want to see a vital, healthy pet with boundless energy, great coat, clear skin, trim & toned, smells great and has every organ function perfectly? Countless people make monthly trips to their vet with their dogs or cats; without ever finding remedies, or even the cause […]
Allergies & Skin Problems? Not anymore!

Countless pet owners have contacted me about their dog or cat’s ongoing, chronic skin and coat problems. The usual description is described as allergies, excessive itching, scratching, shedding, loss of hair in patches, and skin conditions, sometimes resulting in “weepy” sores and lesions. Sadly, these symptoms are typically treated with cortisone shots and steroids, but […]
Best Pet Food Ever Made

The best pet food that’s ever been made is totally natural, is produced in our USDA Kitchen and is good enough for humans to eat! “If I couldn’t eat it myself, or use it on my own body, my pets would never get it”. I’m Andi Brown, author of The Whole Pet Diet, and I’ve […]