Voyko’s Amazing Herbal Ear Wash for Dogs & Cats & You!

Pets with long, floppy or hairy ears are more prone to ear infections and wax buildup.  Regardless of whether ears stick up, flop down, or fold, they need to be lovingly cleaned and cared for. Your pet will let you know when its ears have a problem.  If your pet shakes its head, digs in its ear with a back foot, or rubs its ears on carpets and sofas, these are sure signs that something needs your attention.  Black specks in the ears may indicate ear mites, and an unpleasant odor is definitely a sign that there’s an issue.  A conscientious owner observe and analyzes.  The sooner you detect a problem, the easier and quicker it will be to remedy and the less your pet will suffer.  Try making up a batch of Voyko’s herbal ear wash to soothe and eliminate most any problem ear condition.  The ingredients in this effective ear relief remedy are available in most health food stores.



2 ounces witch hazel

5 drops tea tree oil

5 drops clove oil


Mix all the ingredients together in a clean bottle. If the bottle is cold, it may be uncomfortable for your pet, so before using it, warm the bottle in your hands for a minute or two until it’s a nice soothing body temperature, or place the bottle in a cup of warm water to take off the chill. Squirt half an eye dropper into one ear. Try to do it quickly, then gently fold the earflap over and massage for thirty seconds. Afterward, let your pet shake it out, then treat the other ear.

Note: If your pet has ear mites, you’ll need to use the solution for fourteen days straight, because every day the little nits hatch, so every day you have to get them.

By the way, I love using Voyko’s herbal ear wash in my own ears after a shower or a swim. It feels great, cleans nicely and pretty much makes my ears sing!  Remember that if I couldn’t eat it, or use it on my own body, that my pets would never get it!

Get it? xoxox – Andi Brown

24 Responses

  1. Thank you Andi Brown. I surely need this recipe so that I don’t have to look so hard for herbalistic remedies at local pet stores. Just did that this summer, and I hate the earwash smell I bought.

    We really appreicate you and all you do for the canine/feline world. Our canines are happier, healthier, and more beautiful because of you. I make their favorite dog food every week–Spot’s Chicken Stew.

    We also appreciate your cohort, Voyko.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thanks for the kind words! This ear wash is truly a blessing! Voyko will be pleased to know that you appreciate him. It is actually because of Voyko that we ever began to help the animals. His wisdom has certainly helped so many pets to become happier and healthier!

      1. Poor Fluffy does have ear mites, I am sure after reading this. The vet gave us meds (one drop in each ear once a week) Well it scared him but we did use alcohol on a cotton ball once for the other cats so we decided to put some med. on the cotton ball. He loved it!!!! And out came those nasty mites! But I love this idea and it is natural. Thanks so much for all you do for our animals. I know mine will be glad I “met” YOU!!!

        1. Hi Cindy, The best part about Voyko’s Herbal Ear Wash is that it is so gentle and everyone loves how soothing it is. Thanks for your kind words. Glad I’ve helped! xox Andi

  2. I love your book and this formula posted here. I found it in your book first. The 2 year stink in the one ear I struggled with due to a bad yes for drug scare by “holistic” vet. That caused the ear problems. Using your formula for close to 1 week, but almost immediately the stink went away. Now doing it every few days to see how many days we can hold off. It’s amazing stuff and yet natural. My only love is natural and our adopted dog. She’s maybe 13, 14, but still she’s “alive” without a stink! Thanks!

    1. Thanks for your kind words Carol! So glad your “all natural” girl is enjoying her sweet smelling ears. I always said that Voyko’s Herbal Ear Wash makes my ears “sing”! (I use it after a shower, too!). Keep us posted. xox

  3. Is a “drop” about a ml? I have a bottle of clove bud that is 15 ml so was looking to make a larger batch for my 3 dogs. Thanks!

  4. I used the alcohol-free witch hazel since my dog’s ear is so irritated – thought it might be more gentle – is that just as good as the original astringent? My dog has had a chronic ear infection since we rescued her 6 years ago and nothing has worked – no antibiotics or ointments. So, if this does the trick, you can bet I’ll tell the world, as well as my vet who wants to remove her ear canal to solve the problem.

    1. WOW! Holly… I suggest that you change the food immediately! Seriously. It’s all about the food. The ears are a channel of waste. They are trying to eliminate the toxins in the body. I suggest that you immediately change the diet to a homemade one and start using my Best In Coat Oil Supplement, which you can buy on my website here. Best In Coat will help to clean out the digestive tract to eliminate the debris that is clogging the body. Yes, with a supplement like this, it will help the ears. It also helps the eyes. (Some pets have chronic eye goop). Both are remedied with Best In Coat and a better diet. Voyko’s ear wash will also help from the outside. Keep us posted as to your progress. xox

  5. My poor adopted stray tom (now ex-tom) has had ears clotted with earmite debris for two years now. I keep cleaning them with baby oil, as I know Ti-tree oil and Clove oil are toxic for cats. Maybe, I can use baby oil to smother the beasties and perhaps the Witch hazel will dry up the irritation. He scratches his head into scabs, poor thing. (What I used to use was the famous Leo ear cleaner, which is now not to be found in spite of the spurious claims to the contrary!) What do you think!

  6. What is Witch hazel? When I Search for it I am coming up with astringents and an extract form? Which one is this recipe asking for? Thanks.

    1. Witch hazel can be found at any drug store. It is a diluted extract and is used as an astringent. It is very inexpensive and does not dry out the skin the way alcohol does! xox

  7. Hi Andy & Voyko, my 5yo boy has been struggling with ear infections and scratching almost since the day he was born and over the past 6 months I’ve noticing his mum Rogue is also itching & scratching, the both have been licking their paws and legs and scratching continually all the time and I feel so bad that my poor babies are in need of some help and peace. This led me to do some research and I could not believe what I found when I looked into the foods I was feeding my dogs. I have since changed their diet and will never give them dry dog food again. I cannot believe that the these dog food company’s can legally get away with what they put into the food. I’m definitely going to buy a copy of your book come pay day as well as some oil supplements. Today I bought the three ingredients to make the ear wash but I need to ask you about the witch hazel. Does witch hazel come as an oil? I live in Australia and all I can find is double distilled witch hazel lotion, and this contains 14% alcohol. Can I use this? It’s all I can find here. Tomorrow I’m giving them a nice bath with oatmeal shampoo with colloidal and a similar skin balm to rub in afterwards, I will wash their ears daily(if I have the right witch hazel) for a few weeks and feed them some of your doc stew and hopefully they will spring back and feel so much better and healthier. Goodbye sleepless nights, vet visits, medications and no ear canal narrowing operations.

    1. Hi Nathalie, You are right that the pet food makers are awful and there is nothing on the market that I can recommend. Your sweet ones are itching and scratching and licking because their bodies are trying to expel the toxins from the food. Begin cooking immediately. Supplements as well. Witch hazel is an astringent and is like a mild form of alcohol. It is not about the shampoo, it is about the food. Change the food and you’ll see new healthy skin, coat, pets very quickly. The ears will heal and you’ll be very happy. Keep us all posted on your success! Your babies are lucky you’re making the changes now.! xoxoxoo

  8. tea tree and clove can be toxic for dogs … so, how do i get a ratio that is safe to use as an ear wash?
    you suggest equal parts = 1/3 1/3 1/3 …. that is a LOT of tea tree and clove!

    1. You are using very little of the essential oils and mostly witch hazel. It is highly diluted. Go back and read the recipe please!

  9. Hi
    We have lots of allergies and really have to watch, food and topically. We are allergic to clove. Will that effect the recipe by not adding that to the ear wash?

    1. There is no clove in the stew, which is what you need to be feeding anyone with “allergies”. Please make the stew first. Then we can explore what else to do. xoxo

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